What is Giloy Juice : Why and How Often You Should Consume Giloy Juice

What is Giloy and Giloy Nutrition?
Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is an ancient ayurvedic herb exclusively used by experts and common people alike to treat multiple day-to-day problems effectively. This medium-sized magical plant is strongly advocated amongst the traditional Indian population who believe in the goodness and credibility of Ayurveda as an alternate medicine system. The climbing scrub acts as a one-stop cure for varied problems faced by our bodies and brains alike. All the parts of this perennial plant are beneficial, especially the heart-shaped leaves. July price is also affordable making it a go-to-herb for varied types of healing purposes by common masses. Giloy can be consumed in multiple forms for multiple benefits like - Giloy Churna, Giloy Satva, Giloy Kwath, Giloy Tablet or Capsules and of course the Giloy Juice.
Also known as “Amrita” and “Guduchi” in Hindi, Giloy is a tested and trusted herbal remedy for several acute and chronic diseases. An essential ayurvedic herb, Giloy is loaded with astounding and incredible healing properties that make it one of the most popular herbs of all times be it ancient or contemporary.
Giloy Juice - A Health and Wellness Drink
Giloy Juice is a widely popular form of astounding ayurvedic herb. An effective detox drink, Giloy Juice is an insanely in-demand health and wellness drink consumed because of its supreme nutritional content. Giloy Juice is full of nutrition packed in this liquid form with amazing qualities to heal the body and mind. Also, Giloy nutrition is super easy to achieve through this miraculous Giloy Juice. The pure Giloy Juice is sold under different brand names in the market whose 2-3 teaspoons is enough to give you the maximum benefit of the herb. A small quantity is needed to be added to the desired amount of water to extract maximum benefits from the refreshing and healthy drink. The appetizer and digestive nature of Giloy juice make it one of the healthiest herbal drinks available in the market for varied health purposes. Giloy Juice is a one-stop solution for all the three famous doshas described in Ayurveda, namely - Vata, Kapa and Pitta. Giloy Juice also known as “Amrita” which translates as immortality is considered as an immortality drink because of its abundant and astounding medicinal properties. Giloy Juice is an all-time healthy drink choice by consumers to extract the maximum benefits of this healing herb.
Why is Giloy Juice Recommended by the Health Experts?
Giloy Juice is widely recommended by health experts and the general public alike due to the irresistible health benefits of giloy lemonade which are listed below. Some common and popular benefits of giloy juice.
Keeps Different Types of Fever at Bay
Giloy Juice is said to be most effective for keeping chronic feverish issues at a safe distance from you because of its nourishing and nutritive qualities. Giloy nutrition is exclusively beneficial for people who get fever now and then. Giloy juice is loaded with astonishing antipyretic properties that work fantastic against different types of fevers. The presence of javarghana in Giloy juice makes this healthy drink more nutritious as it gets enriched with incredible properties against fever consequently resulting in fighting and reducing it effectively. Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties also makes Giloy nutrition best for the fever as it directly attacks the fever-causing-germs and helps the body to overcome the draining symptoms of fever easily.
Controls and Regulates Blood Sugar Levels in the Body
Blood Sugar Levels are always fluctuating eventually leading to tons of other serious problems if not treated on time, like - heart diseases, diabetes, disease related to vision and more. Therefore to regulate and control the blood sugar levels of the body, Giloy Juice can be a fantastic option for use. Giloy nutrition is said to be extensively beneficial for people with fluctuating blood sugar levels by burning excess glucose in the body. As a hypoglycemic agent, Giloy Juice successfully manages to control diabetes and blood sugar levels alike in an individual. Giloy Juice helps in producing insulin that further helps in the management of the problems associated with the low or high blood sugar levels of the body.
Boosts the Immunity Levels of the Body by Multiple Folds
Strong immunity is a must for the body especially in today’s times where there is a constant threat of infection from deadly viruses and other hazardous diseases that directly attacks our immune system. An instant immunity booster, Giloy nutrition works wonderfully for the immunity of our body that certainly improves by the regular consumption of this nutritive drink. Do you know why giloy is known as an immunity booster? It is full of antioxidant content, thus enhances the immunity power of an individual’s body by activating the immune system efficiently. The Rasayana or rejuvenating properties of the Giloy juice make it such a power pact immunity booster.
Improves the Process and Functioning of the Digestion of the Body
Giloy Juice is certainly your stomach’s best friend because it is considered a golden herb for the digestive system of the body. The common problem of indigestion can be cured by the regular intake of this healthy and nutritious drink. Giloy juice is full of properties that work in the favour of a healthy and functioning digestive system of the body by effectively reducing the signs of constipation, gas, bloating and other such common digestion related issues faced by people in day-to-day life. The prime problems related to digestion, namely - Acidity, Diarrhoea, Colitis and more are also effectively solved by the Giloy juice.
Helps in the Reduction of Anxiety and Stress in an Individual
Giloy juice is not just beneficial for various bodily aspects but also for the mental well-being of an individual. The soothing and nutritive drink is said to calm down the body by calming down the nerves. An effective remedy against all types of mental stress, Giloy Juices magically de-stress you with its healing properties. The Giloy nutrition also helps in reducing the anxiety levels in an individual that consequently helps in maintaining power past peace of mind and a positive outlook towards anything and everything.
Works Like a Magic for the Glow and Shine of the Skin
We all know that glowing skin is an indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Giloy Juice directly attacks the dullness causing elements of the body that results in the ultimate shine on the skin which reflects outside. The regular intake of Giloy Juice works as a beauty drink too as it works magically for the betterment and nourishment of the skin. The health and wellness drink fights the germ causing bacteria and leads to the purification of the blood that eventually results in the natural glow of the skin. Full of anti-ageing properties, Giloy Juice helps to reduce and prevent the signs of ageing, like - wrinkles, dark spots, fine lines and more. For flawless skin that shines and glows from within, indulges in the regular consumption of Giloy Juice.
How Often Should Giloy Juice Be Consumed?
Giloy Juice is widely recommended by the experts and common masses alike to everyone and anyone because of its wide-ranging properties that can solve complex body and mind problems. Giloy Juice is full of nutrition that makes it popular health and wellness drink amongst the common people and especially the fitness enthusiasts. The regular consumption of Giloy Juice can do wonders for your body because it is full of enriching properties that help resolve different issues of an individual. But the safest and secure dose of Giloy juice that is taken for short time periods is best for the body and mind. The ideal dose of consumption can vary from person to person as per their medical recommendation from experts, however, it should not exceed more than twice daily. Once or twice a day of Giloy Juice is considered to be fruitful for the functioning of an individual. Also, only 2-3 teaspoons of Giloy Juice is recommended for a glass of water to make the perfect combination which is easier on both taste and stomach. Another important note to keep in mind while consuming Giloy Juice is to ensure that it is taken on an empty stomach for the best results ever. Giloy nutrition is extracted by the body best before heavy meals, therefore it is always advised to intake Giloy Juice early morning as the first drink of the day and in the evening or night before dinner. A glass of Giloy juice in a recommended way is said to be the best for the healthy functioning of the body and mind of an individual.
Side Effects of Excessive Consumption of Giloy Juice
As everyone knows, excess of everything is bad and nothing is good in the extreme, the same formula applies for even the healthiest herbs like Giloy. The wellness drink is extremely beneficial against fever, digestive problems, infections and more. However, there are certainly some side effects of the excessive consumption of Giloy Juice because it can mess up the normal functioning of your body. Therefore, it is always advised to stop the intake of Giloy juice before 2-3 weeks of any surgery on your body, during the treatment of autoimmune diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding periods and more. Some side effects of excessive consumption of Giloy Juice are as follows.
- Giloy Juice activates the immune system to an extent that can prove to be negative and hazardous when it comes to the treatment of autoimmune diseases, namely - lupus, vitiligo, celiac diseases, lupus and more.
- Giloy Juice affects the blood sugar levels of the body exclusively which can be a sign of a downfall during surgical operations. The constant consumption of Giloy juice before or after surgery on your body can mess up with the blood sugar levels which consequently can worsen the normal functioning of the body.
- Giloy Juice is full of different elements with different properties that can be allergic to some people, therefore it should always be tried and tested before making it a part of your regular diet.
- Giloy Juice can cause constipation as excessive consumption of this wellness drink can upset your stomach and you can experience abnormal bowel movements.
- Giloy Juice is also said to be a regulator of blood sugar levels of the body. However, if the healthy drink is accompanied by diabetic medicines regularly then it can lower down the blood sugar levels drastically leading to several other health problems.
Giloy Juice, an expert recommendation and an amazing public choice is an effective and efficient health and wellness drink whose consumption should be kept in check in order to ensure that only the benefits of this exemplary ayurvedic herbal drink should reach its consumers. Auric presents its range of ayurvedic juices with the goodness of ayurveda which provide wholesome health benefits to the body. Auric Body Defence Juice has giloy as its ingredient which helps boost immunity. Grab your pack today!
Authored By : Poorvi Chhajer
About Author : Poorvi is a psychology graduate with a knack for writing and belief in ayurveda.
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