Ayurvedic Protein Powder? Yes It Exists!

Auric protein powder

A protein shake serves diverse purposes such as promoting muscle growth, aiding weight loss, and supporting injury recovery. While natural foods like eggs, meat, chicken, milk, and legumes offer high protein content, protein shakes and powders have gained popularity as excellent supplemental sources of this essential nutrient. Auric offers various options to enhance your everyday protein powder for weight loss, including flavors, vitamins, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Protein shakes and powders are among the favored fat-burning beverages, typically mixed with water, milk, or suitable alternatives.

Pea protein powder is a favored choice for weight loss, particularly among vegetarians, vegans, and those seeking Ayurvedic products. Derived from yellow split peas, a high-fiber legume with all essential amino acids, it also contains rich BCAAs and has intermediate absorption rates between whey and casein proteins.

Research indicates that pea protein offers a satiety effect similar to dairy proteins, and men who consume pea protein daily exhibit comparable muscle thickness to those using whey protein. While it holds promise as a protein source, further research is necessary to validate these findings.

Auric provides convenient access to protein shake supplements, which can be prepared at home using a shaker or blender. Alternatively, ready-to-drink fat loss beverages are available for purchase, offering a hassle-free option for consumption.

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Benefits of Protein Powders

Individuals pursuing muscle gain and improved physical performance were early adopters of beverages like protein shakes.

Integrating protein shakes into your workout routine can aid muscle growth, enhance performance, and speed up recovery.

Combining resistance exercises with a protein-rich, high-quality shake can enhance muscle protein synthesis.

A protein shake, supplies easily absorbed amino acids, effectively elevating circulating amino acid levels and stimulating muscle synthesis.

Research also indicates that protein shakes can support muscle retention and growth during weight-loss programs.

  • In a study of 40 men, those who combined strength and cardio training with a high-protein diet using quality protein shakes showed more significant fat loss and muscle gain than the control group.

  • Another study involving 40 healthy individuals revealed that incorporating whey protein powder into a weight loss plan mitigated the expected decrease in muscle protein synthesis after losing weight.

Consequently, whether your goal is weight reduction or muscle gain, protein shakes can be instrumental in achieving your fitness objectives.

Auric protein powder

Ingredients Used in Auric Protein Shake


Peas are a nutrient-rich food source boasting a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all of which bestow significant health benefits ranging from bolstering eye health to aiding in cancer prevention.

  • Eye Health: Notably, peas contain carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which play a pivotal role in safeguarding against chronic eye ailments, including cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. As potent antioxidants, lutein, and zeaxanthin shield the eyes from the detrimental effects of blue light, a leading cause of cataracts and macular degeneration.
  • Promoting a Healthy Digestive System: Another essential component found in peas is coumetarol, a valuable vitamin that contributes to the prevention of stomach cancer. Research conducted in Mexico City in 2009 demonstrated that regular consumption of peas and other legumes significantly reduced the incidence of stomach cancer by an impressive 50%.
  • Facilitating Digestion: Furthermore, peas are a rich source of dietary fiber, which plays a vital role in optimizing the digestion process, ensuring smoother and more efficient nutrient absorption from meals.


Whole wheat is rich in a diverse array of vitamins and minerals, each of which plays a significant role in supporting various bodily functions.

  • Selenium: Selenium, classified as a trace element, assumes multiple essential roles within the human body. The concentration of selenium in wheat is contingent upon the composition of the soil in which it is grown. In certain regions, such as China, the selenium content in wheat can be notably low.
  • Manganese: Abundant in whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, manganese is another vital mineral found in whole wheat. However, due to the high concentration of phytic acid in whole wheat, its absorption may pose certain challenges.
  • Phosphorus: An indispensable dietary mineral, phosphorus plays a critical role in the growth and maintenance of bodily tissues.
  • Copper: Copper, an important trace element, is frequently found to be deficient in the Western diet. Inadequate copper levels can have adverse effects on heart health.
  • Folate: Also known as folic acid or vitamin B9, folate is a B vitamin that holds particular significance, especially during pregnancy, as it supports crucial processes in fetal development.

Desi Khand

Khand boasts abundant nutrients like calcium, minerals, fiber, iron, vitamins, and magnesium. With its rich calcium content, Khand contributes to optimal bone and dental health. The high fiber content supports digestion by promoting regular bowel movements. This makes it particularly beneficial for individuals with digestive concerns. Moreover, Khand's iron content aids in treating anemia and revitalizing the body's blood supply. As a sweetener, it serves as a suitable alternative to sugar.

Ayurvedic Significance of Ingredients


Peas, also known as kalaya, are classified as Vata-inducing in Ayurveda. As a result, they are not recommended for Vata disorders like low back pain and neck discomfort. Peas are utilized to address diarrhea when prepared as a soup.


Wheat remains a prevalent dietary option in Ayurvedic practices due to its nutritional profile, offering higher protein content than rice, making it preferable for colder climates and seasons. Ayurvedic experts particularly recommend wheat for individuals with airy Vata and fiery Pitta constitutions. Conversely, those with watery Kapha constitutions, susceptible to obesity and slow digestion, are advised to refrain from consuming wheat.

Desi Khand

Sugarcane juice creates Desi Khand, which, unlike refined sugar, retains its nutrients due to Ayurvedic preparation without chemicals. Desi Khand is a healthy, excellent sweetener, containing less sweetness but more calcium, iron, fiber, magnesium, and vitamins.

Why You Should Consume

Weight Management

Diverse forms and sizes are available for protein powder used in weight loss and protein shakes.

Protein-enriched diets and supplements could induce prolonged satiety, leading to reduced food intake and fewer snacks, facilitating weight management or loss as necessary.

In a 2017 study, it was found that incorporating a premium whey protein shake into the diet could aid overweight or obese patients in shedding weight and decreasing overall body fat. Additionally, it might contribute to reducing blood pressure, total cholesterol, and other cardiovascular risk factors.

Muscle Growth

Protein intake is crucial for muscle development. Many athletes and gym-goers consume protein powder or high-quality shakes with the aim of enhancing muscle mass following strength training.

A comprehensive review of 49 studies published in 2018 supported the use of protein supplementation for promoting muscle growth and strength in healthy individuals undertaking resistance exercise, such as weightlifting.

Both men and women benefitted equally from supplementing with protein powder. However, the effectiveness of this supplementation might decrease with age, considering that older individuals have higher protein requirements than the younger ones.

The researchers also found that a protein intake of 1.6 grams (g) per kilogram (kg) of body weight (or 0.73 g per pound (lb) of body weight) provided no additional benefits for the individuals.

Recovery After Exercise

Protein aids in muscle and tissue recovery and supports muscular growth. Hence, athletes may utilize protein powder to accelerate muscle repair post-training.

Studies suggest that protein supplements aid recovery by reducing muscle damage and improving muscle function and synthesis.

Added Nutrients

Adults aged 19 and above are advised to maintain a daily protein intake of 46 g for females and 56 g for males.

Individuals facing challenges in meeting these requirements, like vegans and vegetarians, may discover protein powder as a convenient solution.

Certain groups, including athletes, weight lifters, seniors, and those with chronic illnesses, might require higher protein consumption than the standard recommendations.

Hardworking athletes could potentially benefit from consuming around twice the daily recommended protein intake, which research suggests ranges from 1.4 to 2.0 g per kg of body weight. For a person weighing 175 pounds, this equals 111–159 g per day.

Boosts Your Metabolism

High-protein diets enhance energy expenditure, leading to an increased calorie burn in two ways.

Firstly, the metabolism of protein from a weight loss protein powder results in a higher calorie expenditure compared to carbohydrates or fat. This is known as diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT).

DIT measures the energy required to metabolize each component relative to the calories consumed. Protein comprises 15–30% of this, while carbohydrates make up 5–10%, and fat contributes 0–3%.

Secondly, high-protein meals are believed to stimulate gluconeogenesis, the process of producing glucose from proteins or fats in the absence of carbohydrates.

A study involving ten healthy men showed that a high protein diet increased energy expenditure by 42% compared to a control diet, with gluconeogenesis responsible for 42% of the increase.

By increasing your protein intake through a weight loss protein powder, you can take advantage of these metabolic benefits.


Protein beverages facilitate increased protein intake, proving beneficial for weight management and muscle development.

Protein powders designed for weight loss can aid in appetite control, metabolism stimulation, and reducing abdominal fat. These supplements, when combined with resistance training, enhance muscle growth and overall performance.

Utilizing protein supplements may be unnecessary if you consume adequate high-quality protein from various sources during the day. If you wish to explore protein shakes, the Auric store offers Ayurveda-based weight loss protein powders tailored to your requirements.

Also Read: 
Protein Shakes Recipes Top 10 Natural Protein Shakes | Protein Powder


Authored By: Poorvi Chhajer

About the Author: Poorvi is a psychology graduate with a knack for writing and a belief in Ayurveda.

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