Best Protein Powders and Whey Protein: All You Need to Know

Best Whey Protein Powders in India - Buyer's Guide
My mother always told me, "No beta, you cannot take the best protein powders and whey protein; you will become bulky and start looking like a man" I wanted to get on those tasty protein shakes during my teens and early 20s. Yes, I started going to the gym at the ripe age of 17 - thanks to my overly fitness enthusiastic mother, who was sweet enough to lend her trainer to me. Thrice a week, the trainer, also known as "lucky", scheduled weight training at 9 am before my engineering lectures began. The other two days were for cardio - which I never went for because the cycle or the walker never reached any destination. I did not feel so lucky at the time. Waking up for a workout was painful, and it will always stay that way. But as the saying goes, a man has got to do... oops, a woman's gotta do what a woman has got to do!
Oh, the things I have done to make my demanding mother happy. She has no regard or gratitude for the quiet sacrifices her beloved daughter has made in today's day and age to keep her blood pressure in control and anxiety at bay. To date, my only motivation for a workout, except for my pilates session, is my mom, and because she expects (read demands), I stay fit and healthy. I understand her intention completely, but I have inherited the lazy lucky boxer genes from my father, too - yes, he was a boxer in college and played boxing matches at the now infamous Wilson college in South Mumbai. The only reason my father works out is my mom. Because of her typical Indian emotional dialogue, "What a shame it will be if I am in shape, my young daughter and husband are out of shape, and unfit", the true Leo has spoken. Belonging to a fire sun sign, she is too much for us to handle at times. But we love her; despite all that pushing, expectations and demands of a lioness, we are where we are in life because of this fearless, unapologetic iron lady. Her workouts put us to shame.

I told her one day in 2011 I wished to start having protein powder for weight loss and consume Amway Nutrilite protein shakes as a meal replacement (because I am a vegetarian, so is she and most of my family). She denied the request; her reason - "beta, too many chemicals and preservatives are there in protein shakes, and it's not natural". And I would get all stories of my grandfather, her, my grandmother being hail and hearty without eating meat or taking the best protein powders and whey protein supplements or dietary supplements and functioning at an optimum level without any muscle or strength loss. I guess it worked out well for them because back in the day the quality of food was higher than what we have access to today. A few months later, despite my mum not allowing it, I ordered the Amway protein powder or protein shakes to accelerate fat loss and muscle growth, and I loved the taste. I did lose some weight too by drinking the protein shakes, but I am not sure how much fat content I lost and how much muscle mass I gained.
In 2018 again, I consulted a nutritionist doctor, and she put me on a keto diet along with one scoop of isopure whey protein, double rich chocolate or cookies and cream flavour to drinking post-workout. The keto diet did not last long, just like my determination to try a new diet and stick to it. I, however, continued the best protein powders and whey protein drink for about a month only because it tasted delicious and helped with my cravings under supervision. For a vegetarian, keto can be quite a torture because your happiness source from food, aka carbohydrates, is completely cut off, and you are gluten-free. Again, my mom was very apprehensive that I am consuming whey protein powder and protein shakes. My dad thought it was all nonsense - because he was a boxer without any best protein powders and whey protein supplements back in the day and managed to win fights without any external help. Muscle recovery on point, I tell you. When probed for research on this blog as to what was his source of protein to keep up and he says once a week after his practice, he visited a well-known restaurant famous for their baida roti - a preparation made with flour, eggs and choice of meat (chicken or lamb). He juggled between red meat, white meat every week and said it fulfilled his heart's desire for taste and body desire for the best protein powders and whey protein. He converted to vegetarianism in 1991, but his eyes lit up and mouth watered when inquired about his boxing days and diet.
Best Protein Powders and Whey Protein Powder | Auric Natural Whey Powder
I asked my mother for her protein source back in the 80s, and she told me she never thought about protein as an individual macronutrient that needs to be included. She is one of the highly privileged members of our family who was brought up with two cows living outside her bungalow in the small town of Uttar Pradesh, where she grew up. She very proudly said, "I had daily access to the best protein sources such as pure milk, curd, paneer. And the curdled water is known as "whey protein" was kneaded into our roti dough. All these best protein powders and whey protein powder nonsense has come to India in the last fifteen years".
But I am a millennial and advocate the use of protein shakes, protein powder and protein bars - as I have studied back in school, protein is the building block of our body. Some people do require it as a source of optimum nutrition and maintain overall wellness because not everyone is blessed with great genetics, access to high-quality food, high-quality protein, a lavish lifestyle or even time, for that matter.
What are Best Protein Powders and Whey Protein
Concentrated protein sources derived from plants or animals such as dairy, eggs, rice, or peas are known as protein powder. If you are planning to take protein powder for weight gain or protein powder for weight loss then the three most common forms of protein powders or protein shakes are:
Protein concentrates: They are produced through extracting protein from whole food using acid, heat or enzymes. Protein concentrates or protein shakes typically supply 60–80% protein and the remaining 20–40% are composed of fat and carbs.
Protein hydrolysates: They are produced by further heating with acid or enzymes — that break bonds between amino acids. Protein hydrolysates are absorbed more quickly by your muscles and body.
Whey Protein isolates: Whey Protein isolates are prepared by an additional filtering process that removes the excess amount of fat and carbs, further concentrating the protein. These powders contain about 90–95% protein.
Hydrolysates seem to raise insulin levels in your body more than other forms, at least in the case of whey protein. These might enhance muscle building capacity post-exercise. Some protein powders are fortified with vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. However, not all benefit from these powders. If you already have a protein-rich diet, you likely won't see much difference in your life quality because of these powders. Athletes and bodybuilders prefer to use protein powder for weight gain. Athletes and bodybuilders who regularly lift weights may find that the best protein powders and whey protein help maximize muscle gain and fat loss. Protein shakes also allows individuals who struggle to meet their protein needs via plant-based foods (vegetarians and vegans) to meet their daily protein requirements.
Types of Protein Powders
Protein powder for weight gain #1: Casein Protein
Casein protein is found in milk, and it is digested and absorbed much slower than whey protein. It forms a gel on interaction with stomach acids that slow down stomach emptying and delayed absorption of amino acids in the bloodstream. Because of this process, there is a gradual and steady exposure of amino acids to your muscles, reducing the rate of muscle protein breakdown. One study in overweight men suggested that when calories are restricted, casein might edge over whey protein in improving body composition during resistance training.
Protein powder for weight gain #2: Whey Protein
Whey protein powder and protein shake benefits are incredible. Whey protein is derived from milk and is the liquid that separates from curds during the cheesemaking process. It contains protein and lactose - a sugar found in milk. Whey protein concentrate maintains some lactose levels; the whey protein isolate version loses most of its lactose content because of the processing. Protein shakes and whey protein powder benefits include quick digestion and it is rich in branched-chain amino acids, also known as BCAAs.
Leucine (a type of BCAA) plays a significant role in promoting muscle growth and recovery after resistance and endurance exercise. When amino acids get digested and absorbed into your bloodstream, they become available for muscle protein synthesis (MPS) or new muscle creation. Many research studies reveal that protein shakes and whey protein powder benefits include it helping to build and maintain muscle mass, assisting athletes with recovery from heavy exercise and increasing muscle strength in response to strength training. One study showed that whey protein in young men increased MPS by 31% more than soy protein and 132% more than casein protein. A recent 10-week research study showed the whey protein powder benefits as postmenopausal women had a similar response to resistance training, whether they took a placebo or whey protein. Other studies in overweight, average weight and obese people suggest that whey protein might improve body composition by decreasing fat mass and increasing lean mass. Such people should also refer to the complete guide on protein powder for weight loss.
Also read complete guide for ayurvedic weight loss.
It is also found that whey protein reduces appetite at least as much as other types of protein. One research study gave lean men four different types of liquid protein meals on various days. The whey-protein meals led to the most significant decrease in appetite and the most considerable calorie intake reduction at the next meal. Few studies suggest that protein shakes and whey protein powder benefits are such that they may also reduce inflammation and improve specific heart health markers in overweight and obese people.
Protein powder for weight gain #3: Egg Protein
Eggs are among the highest quality protein sources one can consume because they have the highest digestibility corrected amino acid score. However, egg protein powders are prepared from egg whites instead of whole eggs. Even though the protein quality remains excellent, one may experience less fullness because the high-fat yolks are removed.
Eggs are a complete protein source like all animal products, which means they provide all essential amino acids that humans cannot produce independently. Egg protein ranks second to whey protein powder benefits in terms of having the highest leucine source - a BCAA that plays a significant role in keeping muscle health intact. However, egg protein is not as widely studied compared to casein protein and whey protein.
In a study, egg protein demonstrated less potential to reduce appetite than casein or pea protein when consumed before a meal. In another research study, female athletes taking egg-white protein experienced similar lean mass and muscle strength as those supplementing with carbs. Egg-white protein can be a good choice for people with dairy allergies who prefer a supplement based on animal protein.
Protein powder for weight gain #4: Pea Protein
Pea protein powder is trendy amongst the vegetarian and vegan community and those intolerant to eggs and dairy. It is produced from the yellow split pea - a high-fibre legume with all essential amino acids. It is absorbed slower than whey but faster than casein protein and is rich in BCAAs. It can trigger the feeling of fullness like its dairy protein counterparts, and a few studies showed men who consume pea protein show the same amount of muscle thickness as those who consume whey daily. It is quite a promising source of protein, but more research studies are required to confirm results.
Protein powder for weight gain #5: Hemp Protein
Hemp protein powder is another plant protein available in the market today. Although concerning marijuana, it contains a minute amount of the psychoactive component THC. Hemp is rich in omega-three fatty acids and several essential amino acids. It is not considered a complete protein because it has low amino acid lysine levels and leucine levels.
Protein powder for weight gain #6: Brown Rice Protein
Protein powders derived from brown rice are known as brown rice protein. These are usually considered inferior to whey protein powder benefits to build muscle. Although this rice protein contains all of the essential amino acids, its low levels of lysine do not allow it to maintain a complete protein status in itself.
Should You Consume protein shakes, Best Protein Powders and Whey Protein?
Depending on your goals and your bodily needs, you must consult a healthcare nutritionist or a known expert to guide you if need protein powder for weight loss. You will probably not require an additional protein source in the form of protein powder or protein shakes unless it's for weight gain and your diet does not contain a sufficient amount of protein. You may also need protein powder or protein shakes intake if:
- Protein shakes are helpful if you are on a hardcore athletic training regime
- Protein shakes are helpful if you recently underwent surgery or health trauma
- Protein shakes are helpful if your nutrient needs are higher than others because of certain diseases such as cancer, organ failure or wounds
- Protein shakes are helpful if you went through an oral surgery where it is difficult to swallow food
However, it is best to consult an expert and chalk out a plan as per your needs if you are planning to have protein powder for weight loss or protein powder for weight gain. Be it bodybuilding, weight gain, muscle gain or looking lean and aesthetic consult an expert. Are you considering how to gain weight quickly and safely? Protein supplements could help you in your journey. What is amazing is that if you are looking to lose weight, even then you can trust a protein supplement. However, you can also refer to a guide to weight loss: losing weight with a protein powder for weight loss helps.Also read how to gain weight quickly and safely?
Also read a guide to weight loss: losing weight with weight loss ayurvedic drink.
Authored by: Padmaja Rai
About the Author: Padmaja is a healthcare consultant and avid fitness enthusiast. She holds a masters' in bio-innovation and rare diseases from University of Pennsylvania. She is a firm believer in ancient Indian holistic healing.
Protein is one of the essential components that help our bodies stay healthy and strong from the inside. If you’re a fitness lover and want to make your beverage more healthy and protein-rich, this one’s for you! This is a Very Greatful Blog.
@Preshaa, yes, you can have our natural protein powder with water.
Can we drink this protein powder with water insted of milk..?
I like your blog, your blog is very interesting and informative.
Wow well written
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