Auric Drink How to do a Juice Cleanse the Ayurvedic Way

Juicing is a fantastic way to add a variety of fruits and vegetables to our diet. According to Ayurveda, we should only juice as needed by our doshas so that our bodies can reap the most amount of benefit.
Juice cleanse diets were once considered to be something out of the ordinary but have now become the norm. There is now a wide variety of information available all over the internet about how to undergo a juice cleanse to detoxify our bodies.
Any form of fasting has innumerable benefits for the body and mind. But from an Ayurvedic perspective, detox juice cleanse should be done only according to our constitution or dosha so that it does not have any adverse effects on our bodies.
Doshas signify natural elements like air, fire, water, space, and earth that can influence our mental and physical health. Our dosha or constitution is like a blueprint. Each of us carries our own unique blueprint and should feed our body according to what works and what doesn’t.
When it comes to ayurvedic juice cleanse, there are a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that we can add to our diet and each has its own set of pros. Hence, it is crucial to know which type of fruit/vegetable and ayurvedic body detox drinks to add to your detox juice cleanse so that it works for your unique dosha to help detoxify the body properly as per Ayurveda.
Why Should you Cleanse your Body?
When it comes to food and nutrition today, the majority of us are undernourished and overindulged. Since the onset of globalization, a wide variety of junk and packaged food has replaced healthy, home-cooked meals, so ayurvedic juice cleanses is a must to detoxify the body.
We are now excessively consuming foods that are processed and grown with harmful chemicals like fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives, etc. A detox juice cleanse helps in flushing those harmful toxins from the body and detoxifying the body according to Ayurveda.
Cleanse Your Body
The addition of chemicals severely degrades the quality of the food, leading to a plethora of health imbalances and bodily disorders.
Ayurveda defines “Ama” as the root cause of all diseases. It essentially means improper digestion of any kind of food that we eat, which is why we all need to possess a strong “Agni” or digestive fire. When our body does not digest food properly, we may typically suffer from mood swings, exhaustion, anxiety, fatigue, and sluggishness.
Hence comes the need for an individual to undergo any kind of fasting like juicing to lose weight cleanse their body of unwanted toxins that may turn into deadly diseases if not eliminated, over a period of time. Let’s take a look at how one should take up a juice cleanse, detoxify body Ayurveda and personalize the ayurvedic body detox drinks to their own unique dosha -
Ayurvedic Juice cleanse Guidelines for Vata (Wind)
People with Vata Dosha tend to be lean and slender. They like to be physically and mentally active and are balanced and adaptable in their approach to life. But when their world goes out of balance they tend to be extremely anxious and are prone to breakdowns. The most ideal fruits, vegetables and ayurvedic detox drinks to be consumed by individuals with Vata dosha are sweet and sour in nature, to help prevent any possible sugar crashes.
Some great detox juice cleanses recommendations are beetroot, cucumber, pineapple, carrot fennels, sweet potatoes, grape, mango, etc. People with the Vata constitution should always attempt juicing for short durations. They possess a dry skin type and should add a healthy dose of spices like cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric to their juices for complete nourishment and detoxify the body as per Ayurveda.

Our Recommendation for Vata
A Vata imbalance often leads to a variety of skin concerns like having dull skin, dry hands, and feet, skin itching, etc. Individuals that have Vata dosha must incorporate Auric’s Skin Radiance Juice in their daily diet as these are ayurvedic body detox drinks. Its core ingredients are Tumeric (anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial), Amla (source of Vitamin C), and Aloe Vera (nourishes the skin), all of which are instrumental in correcting Vata imbalance and provide a strong dose of energy and nourishment to the skin and body.
Ayurvedic Juice cleanse Guidelines for Pitta (Fire)
Wellness Kit
Pittas are dominated by the fire element and individuals of Pitta dosha have a strong build and good endurance. The “Agni” or “digestive fire” is very strong in Pittas and they have a tendency to get irritated very easily. They are strong and fierce and have strong digestion with an equally large appetite. For juice cleanse, individuals with Pitta dosha should opt for denser drinks that contain sweet and bitter fruits and vegetables like apples, grapes, pomegranates, cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli, etc. These are also great ayurvedic detox drinks which are also ideal foods for juicing for weight loss.
To keep their digestive fire in check, they must also add a healthy amount of herbs and spices like coriander, fennel seeds, and cardamom. Such ingredients have a cooling effect on the body and support digestion as well as detoxify the body according to Ayurveda. So include these in your ayurvedic body detox drinks. It can also be a good juicing to lose weight foods.
Pittas are dominated by the fire element and individuals of Pitta dosha have a strong build and good endurance. The “Agni” or “digestive fire” is very strong in Pittas and they have a tendency to get irritated very easily. They are strong and fierce and have strong digestion with an equally large appetite. For juicing, individuals with Pitta dosha should opt for denser drinks that contain sweet and bitter fruits and vegetables like apples, grapes, pomegranates, cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli, etc.
To keep their digestive fire in check, they must also add a healthy amount of herbs and spices like coriander, fennel seeds, and cardamom. Such ingredients have a cooling effect on the body and support detoxification and digestion.
Our Recommendation for Pitta

Our Recommendation for Pitta
Pitta dosha individuals usually suffer from ailments like rashes, inflammation, fainting, dizziness, excessive heat in the body, etc. A great option for them to combat excess heat in the body is to incorporate Auric’s Instant Thandai Mix in their diet.
Thandai is an excellent summer drink that keeps the body cool, is rich in antioxidants, keeps immunity levels in check and should be part of your juice cleanse and is a detoxified body Ayurveda drink. With cooling agents like watermelon seeds, fennel seeds, and cardamom, having a hearty glass of thandai is among the ayurvedic body detox drinks that will help balance Pittas fiery tendencies easily.

Ayurvedic Juice cleanse for Kapha (Earth)
Kapha dosha essentially symbolizes the elements of earth and water. They usually have a strong build and live life with a practical perspective. They are incredibly empathetic and like to be cheerful while being supportive to people around them. They are prone to diseases related to the heart and lungs and have a slow metabolism. Kapha dosha individuals are usually drawn to sweet flavours. however bitter and astringent are best suited for their constitution.
To correct any imbalances they should eat warm foods and do ayurvedic juice cleanse to try to maintain a warm body temperature. For the purpose of ayurvedic juice cleanse, Kaphas should incorporate green foods like cucumber, celery, kale, broccoli, sprouts, etc and top it up with spices like ginger and cinnamon to add warmth to their diet. Some of these are also great to detoxify the body as per Ayurveda and should be part of your list of ayurvedic detox drinks. Those who are looking to lose flab can also add them as foods for juicing to lose weight.
Our Recommendation
Body Defence
Kaphas tend to have a heavier constitution and need warm foods to cleanse their body effectively. Our suggestion for Kaphas is that they incorporate Auric’s Kadak Masala Chai in their health regimen and ayurvedic juice cleanse plan. It’s perfect for their dosha as it will add a cup of warmth to their daily diet and nourish their body from within. It includes the scientifically backed superfood Moringa, which is a powerful antioxidant and is known to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the blood, lower cholesterol and inflammation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. It is also ideal for those who want to add juicing to lose weight.
Another reason for using this as juicing for weight loss is it also includes other healing herbs like cinnamon, black pepper, and ginger that are instrumental in balancing the earth and water element of Kapha and also support our body’s digestive fire or “Agni”.
Final Thoughts
Mind Rejuvenation
Juice cleanse or ayurvedic detox drinks according to Ayurvedic principles should only be done according to our inherent dosha or constitution. Understanding one’s dosha is crucial to healing and repairing our bodies as directed by nature. The idea behind consuming foods and doing a juice cleanse according to our dosha is to stimulate our digestive fire or “Agni” so that we can effectively eliminate all the accumulated toxins in our bodies. Ideally, the Spring season is considered the best time to undergo a cleanse but we also must consume foods designed to balance our doshas throughout the year.
Our recommendations above will surely help you calm and detoxify your body as per Ayurveda, once you add these dosha balancing foods and ingredients to your diet and ayurvedic juice cleanse regularly. Ayurveda merely defines its principles, but the actual power of healing lies in our hands. So go have those ayurvedic detox juice cleanse drinks and feel rejuvenated.
Authored By : Tanya Thukral
About Author
Tanya is an Ayurvedic doctor who has a deep interest in spreading the message of healing and restoration through the age-old systems of Ayurveda and Yoga.
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