DTH (Dihydrotestosterone) How It Causes Hair Loss


Did you know that 95% of males suffered from male pattern baldness each year? Male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia means men start hair thinning as they get older and can cause erectile dysfunction. It is one of the general conditions in men. The male hairline starts to shrink, and the hair grows thinner and weaker with each passing month. Women can also experience it, but not so much as men. 

Do you know about the real culprit behind male pattern baldness? If not, let me burst the bubbles for you. The real culprit behind male pattern baldness is Dihydrotestosterone sensitivity. You must be pondering about Dihydrotestosterone, how it is related to male pattern baldness, how we can treat it. This write-up has all the answers to your questions. So let's move further to dig more about Dihydrotestosterone. Sipping a cup of cold coffee while reading this write-up won't be a bad idea, right? 

What You Need to Know About DHT and Hair Loss

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a hormone that does solid androgen actions. The androgen receptor develops male sex characteristics when men hit puberty. Male sex hormones include the following:

  • When a male hits puberty, you see a change in his deep voice.
  • The body hair starts the growth phase and muscle mass increases. This is where the resting phase stops.
  •  Penis, scrotum, and testicle size increase as sperm production starts.

Did you know that Dihydrotestosterone is derived from testosterone? Men produce more testosterone as compared to women. You might be surprised to know that the 5-alpha reductase (5-AR) enzyme converts around 10% of testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone. When Dihydrotestosterone freely flows in the bloodstream, it quickly attaches to receptors on hair follicles in your scalp and makes it weak to promote healthy hair. High levels of Dihydrotestosterone in the body increase the degree of risk. 

How Can You Reduce Dihydrotestosterone?

There are only two ways to reduce Dihydrotestosterone. Either to target DHT production or DHT receptor binding.

  1. DHT Blocker:  DHT blocker blocks DHT from binding to 5-AR receptors.
  2. DHT Inhibitors:  DHT Inhibitors lessen the body's production of DHT.

dihydrotestosterone hair loss

Ayurvedic DHT Blocker

A DHT blocker pills like finasteride block DHT and are effective for dihydrotestosterone hair loss treatments. But, do you want a head full of hair without taking any prescribed medication? Well, ayurvedic DHT blocker can make it happen for you. The ayurvedic DHT blocker is the Best dht blocker for men's hair loss and works in a similar way the drugs do. As per research, ayurvedic DHT blocker blocks DHT production and slows down the process of male pattern baldness. There is no lasting cure for male pattern baldness. Ayurvedic DHT blocker will block DHT and slow down the process of dihydrotestosterone hair loss.

Foods that are DHT Blockers

Some foods can naturally act as a DHT blocker and normalize its level in the body. Let's check out these best dht blocker for men's hair loss.


Onions are one of the Best dht blocker for men's hair loss and have a good amount of antioxidants like quercetin. As per studies, quercetin blocks the action of the enzyme alpha-5 reductase that converts testosterone to DHT. Besides onions, spinach, apples, and berries also contain quercetin, making them great dht blockers for hair loss.


There are impressive health benefits of turmeric in ayurveda. Turmeric dht blocker is one of the essential ingredients used in cooking. It has a lot of health benefits also. But how does turmeric naturally act as a DHT blocker? Turmeric dht blocker contains a high level of curcuminoids. Therefore, it is also known as curcumin. As per studies, curcumin blocks the action of the alpha-5 reductase enzyme and drops the DHT level, thus making turmeric dht blocker one of the best dht blocker for men's hair loss.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are full of iron, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants. The finding shows that pumpkin seed oil inhibits DHT generation from testosterone by blocking the action of the enzyme alpha-5 reductase. 

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks. It contains a natural compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). The green tea compound, EGCG, protects hair follicles and reduces dihydrotestosterone hair loss.

DHT Blocker for Women

Women also experience androgenetic alopecia, or female (or male) pattern hair loss at some point in their lives. Female pattern hair loss starts with continuous thinning at the part line in women, followed by an increase in dihydrotestosterone hair loss spreading from the top of the head. There are several DHT blockers for women available in the market. However, if it is tough for you to trust any brands, you can also go for ayurvedic DHT blocker. They can also help you reduce the dihydrotestosterone hair loss problem caused due to excess formation of DHT.

Best DHT Blockers for Hair Loss

I'm sure the link between DHT and male/female pattern baldness is clear to you. A DHT blocker can help you to prevent dihydrotestosterone hair loss, thinning, and balding. Here are some of the best DHT blockers for hair loss:

Auric hair boost ayurvedic drink for dihydrotestosterone hair loss

Auric Gourmet Coffee with Turmeric 

The first name that pops up in my mind is gourmet coffee with turmeric. Gourmet coffee with turmeric is rich in curcumin. Curcumin blocks the alpha-5 reductase enzyme's action and maintains a healthy level of DHT in the body. Turmeric DHT blocker is very much recommended to tackle dihydrotestosterone hair loss.

Auric Hair Boost Juice 

The super magic Auric hair boost juice from Auric is the best DHT blocker. Hair boost juice contains aloe vera, coconut water, amla, and red guava. Aloe vera and amla are rich in linoleic acid. Linoleic acid acts as dht blocker and boosts the hair growth cycle and facial hair. Such ingredients offer immense benefits of consuming hair boost drink. 

Side Effects of DHT Blockers for Hair Loss

DHT blockers indeed help to prevent hair loss and restore receding hairlines. But there are some side effects of DHT blockers also.

  • A deficiency of androgen hormone occurs. Either man will ejaculate too early or take too much time to ejaculate. Hence, sexual dysfunction can also be experienced. The man can also grow new hair in the pubic hair parts.
  • Sometimes, men can develop benign prostatic hyperplasia that can cause urination difficulty.
  • Low DHT levels mean an increase in estrogen levels, which can lead to breast development.
  • If you are taking a DHT blocker, you can feel sick all the time.
  • In some cases, facial and upper body hair starts darkening and thickening.
  • There are chances of congestive heart failure and thyroid particularly possible with the use of minoxidil.
  • Although, DHT administration may shrink prostate cancer, suggesting it may be beneficial for some men.

Auric gourmet coffee with turmeric for dihydrotestosterone hair loss

I'm sure all your doubts about DHT are clear now. As you read in the write-up, DHT is a well-known cause of male pattern hair loss. Head full of hair makes you feel more positive and confident about your look in your daily life. If you see any signs of male/female pattern baldness, don't hesitate to consult with the doctor. In current times, many hair loss treatments address DHT. But it is essential to take advice first; all treatments may not be safe for you. An ayurvedic guide for hair boost could also help you immensely.

Authored by: Vijeta Rana

About the Author: Vijeta Rana is a Wellness and Fitness Blogger from Punjab, India

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