5 Stretches that can Get you Through Migraine Relief

Migraine is a disease caused by malformation of the nervous system, in which there is frequent moderate to severe headache in the half of the head. This head occurs in one half and lasts for a period of two hours to two days. Often the patient becomes highly sensitive to light and noise during a migraine attack. Other symptoms include vomiting, nausea, and pain that gets worse with physical activity.
According to a United Kingdom Trust, about 8 million people suffer from this disease in the United Kingdom alone. Out of these, about 20 thousand people suffer from migraine pain every day. Did you know that the number of patients with migraines is more than the number of patients with asthma, epilepsy, and diabetes combined?.
Kadak Masala Chai with Moringa
How to manage migraine?
If you have been suffering from migraine, there are other ways to get rid of this pain apart from medicines. It involves surgery of the arteries and muscles, stimulation of the occipital nerve, botox, beta-blockers, and antidepressants to prevent migraine attacks. But all these medications have many lethal side effects. These side effects include heart attack, low blood pressure, lack of sleep, nausea, etc.
Is there any natural way to get rid of this disease without causing any harm to the body? Yes, you can control migraine with stretches. Let me present you with the five best stretches for migraine.
Two-legged Forward bend/Paschimottanasana
Indian yogis have been encouraging students to practice Paschimottanasana to enhance concentration. While practicing this asana gives a great stretch to the nerves of the arms, legs, abdomen, back, and head.
Doing this asana can work effectively to manage migraine.
How to do this?
- Take a rug and spread it on the ground, and lie down straight on that.
- While reclining down, keep both legs united and keep your body upright.
- Now make a move with both your hands and move them towards the back of the head.
- Start lifting your upper body above the ground.
- Slowly move both hands towards your feet and try to touch the toes of both feet. While this movement is occurring, keep both your legs and hands straight.
- If you can't hold the thumb at first, move your hands as far as possible. Afterward, slowly decreasing the distance, try to hold the toes with your hands.
- When you are successful in this action, try to put your nose slowly in the knees by lowering the head between both hands. Be in this position for ten to twelve seconds.
- After this, keeping the hands on the feet except for the thumb, slowly pull it backward. In this course, keep touching both feet with your hands.
- In this way, after completing this action for one time, rest for 10 seconds and repeat this action; in this way, do this asana only three times. While doing this asana, usually breathe and exhale.
Side Neck Bend
The next stretch will help you to reduce the stiffness in the neck and upper back. You are free to do it while sitting or standing, whatever is comfortable to you.
How to do this?
- Choose a position, whether seated or standing. But keep your spine straight. Let your shoulders relax and along with your arms.
- Now bend your left ear toward your left shoulder. Put your hand on your right ear and be in this position for thirty seconds.
- Now repeat the same procedure on another side. It is one of the best stretches to manage migraine.
Downward Facing Dog Pose
By practicing Adho Mukha Svanasana, there is a simultaneous emphasis on the legs, waist, chest, arms, and spine. It also activates the acupressure points present in the hands and feet. If you do daily, this asana can prove to be a panacea to overcome headaches and migraine.
How to do this?
- Begin with on all fours with your hands about three inches forward of your shoulders and shoulder-width distant.
- Keep your knees hip-width distant and spine neutral.
- Now take a position and press your hands into the rug, and tuck your toes. Elevate hips to straight legs, but don't lock your knees.
- Create a "V" position with your body. Touch heels toward the floor. And be in this position for thirty seconds.
It helps to manage your migraine. But it would be best if you do it regularly.
How to do this?
For Matsyasana, first of all, lie down with heels and toes together. Now bend both the legs and apply Padmasana. Now place both the palms under the shoulder and raise the chest. After this:
- Grasp the feet' toes with the hands.
- Bring the hands under the shoulders and rest the head on the ground with the help of it.
- Take the hands under the buttocks and raise the head with the support of the elbow.
- Move the neck to the right side and bring the chin close to the right shoulder.
- Do the same action from the left side as well.
- Turn the neck clockwise in a circular motion.
- Rotate the same action again anti-clockwise.
- When the neck goes back, inhale, you come forward, then exhale.
- Slowly return to the Shavasana.
Child's Pose
This asana relaxes and calms the nervous system and effectively reduces pain.
How to do this?
- Take a yoga mat and sit down on your knees.
- Keep your ankle close so that they can touch together.
- Slowly flattened your knees out as far as you can.
- Take a deep breath and lean forward.
- Take the stomach between both the thighs and breathe.
- Widen the sacrum at the back of the waist.
- Now while contracting the hip, try to pull it towards the navel. Get fixed on the inner thighs or inner thighs.
- Try to raise the head slightly back the neck.
- Bring the hands ahead and keep them in your front.
- Both the hands will remain in the line of the knees.
- Try to touch both the shoulders with the floor.
- The shoulder stretch should be felt across the back from the shoulder blades.
- Remain in this position for 30 seconds to a few minutes.
- Breathe in a while, slowly stretching the front torso.
Tilting the pelvis down, lifting the tail bone, and returning to normal.
The practice of yoga keeps your mind and body healthy. But they are not a substitute for medicines. We must learn these stretches from a skilled instructor and practice under their guidance.
If you have a problem in any part of the body, then definitely contact your doctor before starting these stretches.
Authored by: Vijeta Rana
About the Author: Vijeta Rana is a Wellness and Fitness Blogger from Punjab, India
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