Top Ten Health Benefits of Thandai in Summers

Health Benefits of Thandai in Summers. Want to beat the heat in these sweltering summers in India? Try this soothing drink to keep your body cool while getting a bolt of energy with every chilled glass. Summer is here! You have finally kissed goodbye to chilly winters and are blissfully embracing the sunshine. But your happiness was short-lived as the temperatures have risen to dangerously high levels, making the heat almost unbearable. Especially in the northern states, the heat can give rise to various unwanted conditions like heat strokes, boils, rashes, and of course, dehydration. To keep all your summertime concerns under check, it is important to keep our bodies soothed and hydrated at all times. While nothing quenches thirst like water, It is not wise to rely on it entirely to beat the summer heat. It is advised to add a few summer drinks to your diet to help the body cope better with the heat.
One such drink is Thandai, also known as Holi drink. Thandai is made in almost every Indian household at the start of summer (especially to celebrate the festival of Holi) and is a great seasonal drink due to the health benefits of thandai in summers to soothe the body from all the excess heat out there. It is said that as seasons change, our body’s immunity takes a hit. Drinking a seasonal drink like Thandai strengthens immunity and its healthy ingredients improve gut health, which are the health benefits of thandai in summers.
Health Benefits of Thandai
Boosts Energy Levels
One of the health benefits of thandai in summers is that it is filled with the goodness of plenty of natural ingredients that work to protect your body from the heat and the ailments it carries. It is easy to get bogged down by the harsh summer and suffer from fatigue and dehydration. Thandai treats this easily as it is a power-packed source of natural energy, which is one of the health benefits of thandai.
A variety of seeds go into it like pumpkin, almond, pistachios - to name a few and these nuts help you feel full for longer. This health drink is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and aids in boosting overall health and energy, making it imperative for you to reap the health benefits of thandai in summers. Additionally, you should also consume 10 foods to overcome the issue of low energy.
Deals with Flatulence
Thandai is loaded with anti-depressant ingredients that keep the body cool in harsh summers. A dehydrated body is more prone to indigestion, bloating, and flatulence and can lead to other digestive problems like acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. A key ingredient in Thandai is fennel seeds, which bring out the health benefits of thandai in summers. They are a widely popular ingredient in Indian households and are known for their anti-inflammatory properties that promote good gut and digestive health.
Improves digestion
The addition of fennel seeds (saunf) in Thandai, not only aids in flatulence but also strengthens our overall digestive abilities. Fennel seeds, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds, cashew, and khus-khus are known for their cooling effect on the body when served with rose petals, bringing out the health benefits of thandai in summers. Both of them form a powerful combination and massively help to keep all digestive problems at bay. It is often said that most ailments that affect the human body start from the stomach. So when you keep your digestive system in check, your entire body benefits from good health.
Builds Immunity
Our immunity goes for a toss when our body is dealing with seasonal changes. In Thandai, an element of misri crystals is added to give it a hint of sweetness. They are, in fact, excellent at preventing cough, cold, and throat infections and also help in preventing the buildup of excessive heat in the body, which are some thandai benefits. Other additions in the drink like clove and peppercorn also boost immunity throughout the summer season. Along with ayurvedic thandai, you can also boost your immunity with our fighter: Auric Body Defence.
Detoxifies the Body
Cardamom when added to Thandai acts like an effective detoxifier for the body and has endless health benefits of thandai in summers. It purges out toxins and cleanses the body of any infection-causing bacteria. It is great to ingest if one is feeling nauseated as wellness. Cardamom also helps to combat inflammation and prevents cancer cells from building in the body. Furthermore, it also prevents cavities and cleanses our mouth of harmful bacteria, making this powerful herb useful in eliminating any kind of infection.
Boosts Memory
The natural ingredients present in Thandai make it a refreshing drink and impart important nutrients to our bodies. These vitamins and minerals positively affect almost every part of the body, one of which is our cognitive abilities. Nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, protein, and omega 3 are all present in this wholesome drink that help boost our memory and improve brain function. Thus, it is safe to say that thandai benefits are abundant.
Enhances Skin Health
After a certain age, it is impossible to hide the effects of aging on our skin. The only long-term solution to minimize the signs of aging is to take care of one’s diet and lifestyle habits. Thandai benefits include it working holistically on our digestive health that keeps away skin conditions like acne, rashes, itching, psoriasis, etc. Health benefits of thandai in summers also include keeping our body temperature regulated and ruling out the possibility of getting boils in peak summers. The addition of nuts and saffron keeps hair health in check and the rest of the skin supple. In addition to ayurvedic thandai, you should consume these top beauty drinks for glowing skin in the morning.
Provides a Variety of Nutrients and Minerals
Thandai is a fantastic blend of a plethora of nutrients. These nutrients are a perfect balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and dietary fiber, all essential for maintaining a healthy body. A single glass of thandai roughly constitutes 2% of your protein requirement for the day. It also constitutes a significant amount of calcium, vitamin D, Vitamin A, iron, and magnesium.
Calcium and Vitamin D are crucial for good bone health, while vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that maintains our hair and skin health. Manganese and magnesium are important to maintain hormonal balance and protect cardiovascular health, making this wholesome summer drink the perfect source of nourishment for our bodies.
Relieves Stress and Anxiety
Some forms of Thandai are useful to treat excessive stress and anxiety. Thandai delivers immediate comfort to the body while giving it a boost of energy, which are thandai benefits.
If you are going through a loss of appetite, then having Thandai promotes the feeling of hunger. Stomach problems like constipation and acidity are also solved by consuming this summer drink.
Improves Bodily Functions and Protects Against Diseases
Thandai is like a magic potion due to thandai benefits that can cure a variety of ailments. It is all because this drink is curated with a selection of the best natural ingredients. Cardamom is a fantastic ingredient to treat nausea, acidity, gastrointestinal irritation, indigestion constipation, etc. Saffron, another ingredient of Thandai, really helps to curb flatulence, hair loss, and early-onset baldness.
It also regulates blood pressure and improves eyesight. The combination of dry fruits and spices found in this drink is great for enhancing our immunity and facilitates the body to detox. This drink, however, contains a good amount of sugar and might not be a suitable option for people wanting weight loss.
Auric Ayurvedic Thandai is a perfect curation which offers immense health benefits of thandai in summers. Reap the thandai benefits by getting yourself a pack delivered today!
Authored By : Tanya Thukral
About Author: Tanya is an Ayurvedic doctor who has a deep interest in spreading the message of healing and restoration through the age-old systems of Ayurveda and Yoga.
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