Protein Shakes: Should I consume high protein drinks for weight loss?

protein drinks for weight loss

Weight loss is a journey to reduce weight. We try different methods of reducing weight by exercising, having protein drinks, or any other types of drinks that may lead to weight loss. We even try to have a balanced diet that may contain nutritious food and weight-reducing fruits and juices containing proteins.  

The people who prepare protein shakes as a weight loss agent say that protein drinks are not magic agents to lose weight. Drinking protein-rich juices or shakes must be replaced by the food we eat; else, it may not work. It may only increase calories and weight gain. Some studies have proven that adding an amount of protein than usual may show some positivity in weight loss. 

Consuming protein-rich drinks help us release body fat, keep the muscles lean, and we do not feel hungry frequently. Meanwhile, we will once again switch over to solid food. Consuming solid food may result in weight gain, so we must choose our solid food diet smartly. If we depend too much on protein shakes for weight loss, by replacing solid food with protein drinks, we may not be able to gain the benefits of solid goods.

As protein is rich in calories, intake of much protein may bring a higher consumption of calories in the body, and it will be tough to reduce weight. It happens when there is protein consumption with a regular diet and no workouts.Also read High Protein Vegetables - Sources of Plant Protein



In some birthday cakes as well, protein-rich powders are mixed. Since an increase in protein leads to increased stamina for workouts, it also shrinks our appetite, thereby losing weight. Taking caffeine and protein together provides better results in weight loss.


Whey protein is probably the most famous protein powder. Our body quickly digests the protein powder, often taken after exercise. It helps us feel full for longer, resulting in weight loss.


Casein, the other milk protein, digests food very slowly but has weight loss properties. However, slow digestion of casein protein may aid in eating less, thereby lowering the appetite, resulting in weight loss.


Soy protein is one of the plant-based proteins that contain all the nine essential amino acids. Soy protein also affects our appetite. It is a high-quality source of proteins for those who cannot drink milk. Soy protein is a protein-based on plants to enhance weight loss compared to dairy-based proteins like casein.


The homemade protein shake is loaded with nuts and creams. It does not contain any extra added sugar, as it is rich in fiber and low in fat. We must blend almonds, grapes, and peanut butter and refrigerate them to prepare them. This results in weight loss as the fiber and fats are removed.

6. Vegan protein shake

Those who avoid milk and dairy products and need protein drinks for weight loss should blend some quantity of silken tofu, a cup of almond or cashew milk, a banana, cooked oats, and honey. Now we are ready with tofu and nut milk which gives you a bunch of proteins and the necessary fiber to lose weight.

Protein drinks or shakes should be taken immediately after your workout because that’s when our body needs instant nutrition for our muscles. Protein intake is faster after workouts. Berries are excellent sources of fiber that help reduce, and nut milk is a protein-rich drink that is useful in weight loss. Chocolate and banana make a beautiful combination of weight loss.    

We should prefer having wellness drinks. Wellness drinks are drinks that may have several ingredients that are helpful for our health, and they boost our energy. Drinking wellness drinks may give you high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

By wellness drinks, we mean vegetable and fruit juices and beverages. Beverages may include different types of tea.

Beverages like green tea and coffee promote energy, increase metabolism and decrease hunger. These drinks help us lose weight and make us healthier immediately after workouts. 

Berries are excellent sources of fiber that help reduce, and nut milk is a protein-rich drink that is useful in weight loss. Chocolate and banana make a beautiful combination for weight loss.    

We should prefer having wellness drinks. Wellness drinks are drinks that may have several ingredients that are helpful for our health, and they boost our energy. Drinking wellness drinks may give you high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

By wellness drinks, we mean vegetable and fruit juices and beverages. Beverages may include different types of tea.

Beverages like green tea and coffee promote energy, increase metabolism and decrease hunger. These drinks help us lose weight and make us healthier.


There are a lot of beverages that help in weight loss, some of which can be improved by adding ayurvedic protein powder.


Green tea is the most famous drink for weight loss. It is not only just packed, but it has several antioxidants and various helpful nutrients which help reduce the weight and make us feel full. The antioxidant mainly contains large amounts of catechins, oxidants that help burn fats and act as an energy booster. 

Green tea also contains caffeine. It promotes weight loss, increases metabolism, and provides energy while working or doing exercises. It also lowers the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

  • COFFEE   

Coffee is another beverage consumed all over the world for weight loss. It contains caffeine, which aids in burning fats, makes us feel full, promotes metabolism, and boosts our energy level. It reduces the intake of energy. Coffee drinkers may enjoy maintaining their weight loss for a more extended period of time.

  • BLACK TEA    

Black tea is a beverage used for weight loss. It is more exposed to the sun, so it is stronger and is dark in color. It contains polyphenols and polyphenolic compounds known as flavonoids.

It contains antioxidants to burn fats and boosts the growth of friendly bacteria. The polyphenols stimulate less intake of calories, help break down fats, and promote energy.

Thus, drinking black tea may burn fats, eventually reducing body weight.


Increasing the intake of water in your diet may result in weight loss. Drinking water before your meals can make you feel full, which helps to intake less solid food, which means less calorie intake, resulting in weight loss. Drinking cold water helps in weight loss. 


Apple cider vinegar drinks contain acetic acid. This acid is a weight-losing compound as it may decrease insulin levels and increase metabolism. It also helps to decrease hunger and burn fats. A study on animals has shown that acetic acid can help reduce weight gain, thereby suppressing diet. It suppresses hunger and loss of appetite, thereby loss in weight.


Ginger is popularly known to add flavor to foods as well as dishes. It is an antioxidant used to cure a cold, nausea, and arthritis. As ginger tea needs more energy to digest food, more calories are burnt. Thus, it acts as a weight loss agent. It promotes metabolism and is an appetite loser, resulting in weight loss.


As we drink vegetable juice, there is an increased intake of vegetables, and there is a significant decrease in the intake of carbohydrates. We should consume vegetable juice with low sodium. Consuming vegetables is always a better choice for health because consuming them as juice may lose all the fiber while preparing the juice. Vegetable juice is only helpful when aided by a healthy diet.


Athletes use it as it energizes the body and lowers blood pressure. It contains dietary nutrients. Whole beets are loaded with calories, whereas the total calorie is flushed out while juicing. Hence, there is a low amount of fiber, and the stomach is almost full most of the time. Thus, it helps in weight loss.


Celery juice has become a popular drink among health-conscious people. It is low in calories and consists of 95% of water. It is an excellent source of antioxidants. It helps to reduce stress as well as reduce weight. Its low content in calories and high water content lead to weight loss.


Pomegranate juice is a healthy, low-calorie drink that supports weight loss. It is a rich antioxidant drink that may help properly manage sugar.


 It is a sweet, nutritious, and refreshing juice, low in calories. It makes a healthy heart as there is a high content of water in it. It helps in losing weight and makes us feel full.


Lemon -ginger green juice is delicious and helps in reducing weight. When lemon is added, antioxidants in it increase metabolism, shrink hunger, and assist in weight loss. Therefore, lemon ginger green juice helps weight loss by acting as an antioxidant.


Carrot juice is highly rich in nutrients, especially vitamin A. Instead of juicing carrots, we should blend them. Blending them can help boost the intake of fiber. It promotes the feelings of fullness and helps to maintain our appetite. 

Carrots are also rich in carotenoids. Men found that those who drank carotenoids regularly for eight days were found with low belly fats, whereas those without carotenoids were the same as before.


Dumping over a single food product does not lead to a balanced diet. We need to consume all the other nutrients and minerals simultaneously to have a healthy and balanced diet. 

A balanced diet should consist of several macronutrients and micronutrients to digest our food. The best-balanced diet is the diet that contains the five major groups, i.e., fruits and vegetables, cereals and pulses, fats and oils, and meat and dairy products. Only knowing the foods and drinks may not help; we should properly organize the food groups and allot it ideal time as that is also simultaneously important.

A lot of information can be shared regarding the best diet plan. However, it varies from person to person. The diet chart may differ between males and females as everybody is different, and there is a different requirement of nutrients by different individuals.  

As most of us believe, consuming carbohydrates means gaining weight. The reality is the opposite of it. Carbohydrates are a rich help in losing weight as long as we heat the healthiest ones. You can lose weight and get healthier and stronger as far as you eat the proper food required by your body in proper amounts. You can get slim if you have the proper and healthy carbohydrates. 

There are three main groups of carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, and dietary fiber.

Simple carbohydrates: These are simple and well refined. They are also found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich drinks. Since these carbohydrate foods are simple, they break down easily, and the calories get burnt.

Complex carbohydrates: It is a long chain of sugar modules that is difficult to break down easily.

Dietary Fiber: Like complex carbohydrates, it is also a chain of sugar molecules. These carbohydrate foods are indigestible. It neither can be broken down to release energy nor can be used to burn any amounts of calories.

All carbohydrate foods are not for weight gain, nor are they for weight loss. Only simple carbohydrate foods are helpful in weight loss. Foods like barley, whole-wheat pasta, legumes, whole wheat bread, black beans, oatmeal, quinoa, Kamut, and chocolate Milk are carbohydrates to lose weight.


Protein drinks or shakes should be taken immediately after your workout because that’s when our body needs instant nutrition for our muscles. Protein intake is faster after workouts. Berries are great sources of fiber that help reduce, and nut milk is a protein-rich drink that is useful in weight loss. Chocolate and banana make a beautiful combination for weight loss. So, if you are looking for weight-loss, you now know what to eat.

Auric Protein Powder is all ayurvedic and natural, deserving to be your go-to protein for weight loss. 

Auric protein powder


Authored by: Bhavishya Pahwa

About the Author: Bhavishya Pahwa is a budding writer who has always confided in a pen. He believes that art is a cure-all and that introspection followed by writing can add to the sanity of the world.

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