Not sure if you have PCOS? Read this!

You may often hear about women suffering from PCOS symptoms, but most women may not understand what it means. In this article, we shall discuss PCOS's meaning, PCOS symptoms, and its treatment in detail.
PCOS Meaning
PCOS is the acronym for Polycystic Ovarian syndrome. Hormonal imbalance in the woman's body can be a cause of PCOS.
It leads to abnormal menstrual cycles and excess growth of hair. Acne may also be a result of PCOS. In extreme cases, PCOS may also lead to infertility.
You may want to undergo PCOS treatment. This treatment depends on whether you are willing to be pregnant or not. In most cases, women suffering from PCOS symptoms may also suffer from severe health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
PCOS is a common hormonal disorder in women who have reached reproductive age. In this condition, the ovaries in the woman's body get enlarged. Several numerous sac-like structures filled with fluids may develop. These structures are known as follicles.
They are generally underdeveloped sacs used for developing eggs. If a woman suffers from PCOS, these matured eggs will not get released.
PCOS Symptoms
Women must understand PCOS meaning properly before they consult a gynecologist for treatment. Do not delay visiting a doctor when you notice PCOS symptoms.
PCOS is common these days. Many women suffer from this condition of PCOS. These women tend to have abnormal menstrual cycles, one of the most common PCOS symptoms.
However, PCOS symptoms may be a little tricky. These symptoms may become complicated if the women are suffering from obesity.
Some common PCOS symptoms are as follows:
1) Heavy bleeding during menstruation
It takes a long time for the uterus lining to build up. Hence, it is likely for a woman to have heavy bleeding during menstrual cycles if she is suffering from PCOS.
2) Irregular or missed menstrual cycles
PCOS results in a lack of ovulation. It may prevent the shedding of the uterus lining. Women suffering from PCOS may suffer from delayed menstrual cycles. They may also miss some menstrual cycles and get less than eight menstrual cycles in a year, while some women don't get their periods all over the year. It is one of the most alarming PCOS symptoms. Consult a reputed gynecologist to know more about PCOS symptoms and treatment.
3) Excess body hair
PCOS may lead to a condition called hirsutism. In this condition, women have excess hair on their bodies. They may also have hair on their faces. This condition is fuelled by hormones present in a male. If you observe this symptom, immediately visit a doctor, know what PCOS means, and take the necessary steps.
4) Obesity
Obesity is one of the most common PCOS symptoms. Women tend to gain weight if they are suffering from PCOS. Women should go for a checkup if they feel like they are gaining weight easily.
5) Hair fall or hair thinning
PCOS leads to excess growth of hair on the body and face. On the contrary, it leads to thinning of hair from the scalp. It results in hair fall and weak hair. This condition is also a result of male hormones.
6) Frequent headaches
Women who suffer from frequent headaches may be due to hormonal disbalance. Women having PCOS suffer from too many headaches.
7) Skin darkening
If your skin gets unexpectedly dark, it may be one of the PCOS symptoms. PCOS leads to dark patches in the groin, neck, private parts, etc.
Causes of PCOS
Factors that can cause PCOS are as follows:
1) Excess Insulin
-Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that lets cells use sugar to supply energy to the body.
-If body cells become inactive to insulin, it may result in high blood sugar levels and more insulin production.
-Excess insulin production may lead to high androgen levels, causing ovulation problems.
2) Low-grade inflammation
-It refers to the production of white blood cells that help fight infections. As per studies, women suffering from PCOS have low-grade inflammation disorder.
-This problem stimulates the condition of polycystic ovaries producing androgens. They can lead to issues related to blood vessels and the heart.
3) Heredity
As per research, PCOS symptoms arise due to genetics. Specific genes may have links with PCOS. Because of these genes, the descendants may show PCOS symptoms and need to be treated under PCOS treatment.
4) Excess androgen
If the ovaries produce too much androgen, it may result in acne growth and hirsutism. They are potential PCOS symptoms.
Women must be careful about all these causes. They should understand PCOS's meaning and the probable PCOS symptoms and treatment.
Also Read: 10 Common Myths And Facts About PCOS
How does PCOS affect your body?
If the androgen level in the body is too high, it can affect fertility and cause health-related issues. So, it would help if you always visited a doctor for PCOS symptoms and treatment once you notice the symptoms.
1) Infertility
To become pregnant, a woman needs to ovulate. Women, who are not able to ovulate regularly, cannot release enough eggs for fertilization.
2) Metabolic syndrome
Women suffering from PCOS symptoms also suffer from obesity. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and obesity will lead to high blood sugar levels and blood pressure. They are cdiseaseely known as metabolic syndrome.
The metabolic syndrome can also result in heart diseases and strokes. It is essential to consider PCOS symptoms and treatment as soon as possible.
3) Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a severe sleeping disorder. It leads to repeated pauses between breaths at night. The person suffering from sleep apnea has interrupted sleep.
Sleep apnea is a common condition in obese women suffering from PCOS. Women with PCOS and obesity are more likely to suffer from sleep apnea than those women who don't suffer from these conditions. They should talk about their PCOS symptoms and treatment with their gynecologist for quick recovery.
4) Endometrial cancer
During ovulation, there is shedding of the uterine lining. If you don't regularly ovulate, this uterine lining may become thick with time. A thick uterine lining will increase the chances of endometrial cancer.
5) Depression
Hormonal imbalance and PCOS symptoms like delayed periods, excessive body and facial hair growth, and others can adversely affect a person's emotions.
Many women with PCOS symptoms suffer from depression, frustration, and anxiety.
Get to know PCOS meaning and talk to your gynecologist about PCOS symptoms and treatment to prevent your health from the above disorders.
Consult a psychologist if you feel depressed and frustrated.
Ways to Treat PCOS Naturally
If you are suffering from PCOS symptoms, you may want to treat it naturally. Get to know PCOS meaning properly before you think of treating the condition. It is always best to go to a gynecologist to discuss your PCOS symptoms and the treatment needed to cure your problems. Here, we bring a list of ways to treat PCOS.
1. Make necessary dietary changes.
For PCOS treatment, diet plays a crucial role. Take necessary supplements and required minerals, fibers, and proteins. Otherwise, the PCOS condition will worsen.
2. Practice yoga regularly.
For PCOS treatment, diet proves to be highly beneficial if you practice yoga daily. Yoga is a natural way to heal PCOS problems. You can easily reduce PCOS symptoms by exercising and doing yoga every day.
3. Include cinnamon and turmeric in the food items.
Cinnamon aids in maintaining a moderate insulin level in the human body. It also helps to prevent high blood sugar levels in the human body. Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It contains curcumin and gives effective results in PCOS treatment.
4. Keep your body under control.
Keep a check on your body weight. Weight gain is one of the most effective PCOS symptoms and can affect your menstrual cycles. Try to lose weight gradually by exercising and following PCOS treatment diet plans given by your dietician or gynecologist.
5. Increase your iron intake and eat iron-rich foods.
Heavy bleeding is a common problem in PCOS. It may lead to iron deficiency diseases and anemia. To cope with these problems, increase your iron intake. Eat iron-rich foods like pomegranate, beetroot, broccoli, spinach, and other fruits and vegetables.
6. Have a sound sleep at night.
PCOS symptoms and treatment may lead to anxiety and stress. Try to have a sound sleep at night to overcome anxiety. Less amount of sleep at night may increase the levels of cortisol and hormonal imbalance.
7. Avoid foods having caffeine.
Caffeine will disturb the estrogen level in your body. If you are suffering from PCOS symptoms, avoid having foods containing caffeine. Try to drink green tea or herbal tea instead of a cup of regular tea or coffee.
Try to follow these tips for PCOS symptoms and treatment. Also, try to remember the PCOS symptoms and treatment while eating food.
Final words
Know well about PCOS meaning, PCOS symptoms, and treatment once you suffer from this condition. Talk to a gynecologist and try treating the condition through natural ways to deal with PCOS symptoms and treatment.
Authored By: Poorvi Chhajer
About the Author: Poorvi is a psychology graduate with a knack for writing and a belief in Ayurveda.
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