Does Hot Chocolate with Ashwagandha Relieve stress?

Auric hot chocolate with Ashwagandha

Stress. This six-letter word that’s a monster under our beds and refuses to budge the more we expose ourselves to the rigours of daily life, combating it has become more and more difficult. With expanded awareness of mental health and its nexus to physical health, solutions that suit both the body and the mind seem the go-to. And the key to unlocking this is food. Even a slight tweak to your dietary habits, with just the right adjustments, makes everything make sense. So what does it look like? 

Ashwagandha Cacao Powder or Ashwagandha Chocolate

A deliciously decadent and chocolatey treat served hot, sounds like a piece of heaven. But for most, such treats come at the heavy cost of calories and sugar that seems like an unfair price to pay. So why not switch things up and walk the ayurvedic path by trying ashwagandha hot chocolate. A hot chocolate with ashwagandha; all the yummy pleasure and none of the unhealthy guilt that comes with hot chocolate that does not have Ashwagandha cacao powder or Ashwagandha chocolate.

Why Ashwagandha?

The word “Ashwagandha” is translated as ‘smell of a horse,’ and that is for two major reasons.

  • The herb has a distinct smell of a horse.
  • The person consuming the extracts of such a herb may develop the same strength, stamina, and vitality as that of a horse.

As a result of the numerous benefits Ashwagandha has on the human body, it has been regarded as a 'royal herb' and has an exalted place in Ayurveda history. Like cacao nibs, ashwagandha has an earthy, bitter taste that is similar to unsweetened dark chocolate. It also has a crispier, more crunchy texture like coffee beans. To prevent the bitter taste of both ingredients, toasting the cacao nibs that create Ashwagandha chocolate powder to sweeten them slightly enhances the taste of the drink. The perfect blend of ingredients gives the hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits a delicious taste and earthy aroma.

Auric hot chocolate with ashwagandha

Despite the innovative product that is Ashwagandha Hot chocolate. Ashwagandha itself is a proven herb that has been the source of treating ailments in ancient cultures such as Indus Valley Civilisation, Harappan Civilisation and the various dynasties in ancient China. This also signifies the geographical area that Ashwagandha is known to be found in. The benefits of Ashwagandha chocolate are symmetric, hence you get hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits. Read Ashwagandha -The ayurvedic imunity drink. The eleven benefits of Ashwagandha chocolate or Ashwagandha cacao powder are listed in this piece:

Benefits of hot chocolate with ashwagandha

  • Is an ancient medicinal herb

In Ayurveda, a kind of alternative medicine based on Indian concepts of natural healing, ashwagandha is one of the most essential herbs. Ashwagandha, meaning 'vigor booster,' refers to both the herb's distinctive aroma as well as its ability to boost vigor.

The botanical name of this plant is Withania somnifera, but it's also called Indian ginseng and winter cherry. The ashwagandha plant is a tiny shrub native to India and North Africa with yellow blooms. Several ailments are treated with extracts or powder made from the plant's roots or leaves.

Ashwagandha chocolate with Its high content of antioxidants is responsible for many of its health advantages.

  • Can reduce blood sugar levels

Ashwagandha has been demonstrated to reduce blood sugar levels in various trials. It boosted insulin secretion and improved insulin sensitivity in muscle cells, according to one test-tube investigation.

Furthermore, some human research shows that it can lower blood sugar levels in both healthy and diabetic persons.

Additionally, individuals treated with ashwagandha showed an average drop in fasting blood sugar levels of 13.5 mg/dL, compared to 4.5 mg/dL in those who got a placebo, in a 4-week research in patients with schizophrenia.

Furthermore, supplementation with ashwagandha for 30 days decreased fasting blood sugar levels in 6 persons with type 2 diabetes in a small research. 

There is some evidence that ashwagandha is beneficial. Hence in turn consuming Ashwagandha Hot chocolate is also beneficial.

  • Can reduce cortisol levels

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress and when blood sugar levels go too low.

Unfortunately, in certain people, cortisol levels can become chronically elevated, leading to high blood sugar and increased belly fat storage.

Ashwagandha helps reduce the level of cortisol in your bloodstream. Those who took ashwagandha pills had significantly lower cortisol levels than the control group in one study of chronically stressed persons. Those who received the highest dosage showed a 30% reduction on average. It's not unreasonable to believe that hot chocolate infused with ashwagandha might provide comparable outcomes. It's all because it's Ashwagandha-infused hot chocolate.

Supplementing with ashwagandha chocolate or ashwagandha cacao powder may assist those who are persistently stressed and reduce their cortisol levels. 

  • May help reduce stress and anxiety

Ashwagandha is primarily recognised for its stress-relieving properties. In addition, it has been found in multiple controlled human trials to help persons with stress and anxiety problems. The same can also be said for Ashwagandha hot chocolate because it is hot chocolate with Ashwagandha.

In a 60-day trial of 64 adults with chronic stress, those who took ashwagandha supplements saw a 69 per cent reduction in anxiety and sleeplessness, compared to 11 percent in the placebo group.

Another 6-week trial found that 88 percent of individuals who took ashwagandha had less anxiety, compared to 50 percent of all those who took a sugar pill. A similar placebo effect may be reproduced in a brewing cup of Ashwagandha hot chocolate because it’s a hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits. 

  • May reduce symptoms of depression

Ashwagandha is primarily recognised for its stress-relieving properties. In addition, it has been found in multiple controlled human trials to help persons with stress and anxiety problems. The same can also be said for Ashwagandha hot chocolate because it is hot chocolate with Ashwagandha.

In a 60-day trial of 64 adults with chronic stress, those who took ashwagandha supplements saw a 69 per cent reduction in anxiety and sleeplessness, compared to 11 percent in the placebo group.Another 6-week trial found that 88 percent of individuals who took ashwagandha had less anxiety, compared to 50 percent of all those who took a sugar pill. A similar placebo effect may be reproduced in a brewing cup of Ashwagandha hot chocolate because it’s a hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits. 

The limited studies available suggest that ashwagandha may help with depression. But still, with combined benefits available in Ashwagandha chocolate, hot chocolate with Ashwagandha may be successful since it’s a hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits.

  • Boosts testosterone and increases fertility in men

Ashwagandha may significantly affect testosterone levels and reproductive health when supplemented. Among 75 infertile men, ashwagandha improved sperm count and motility. And supplementing this with hot chocolate with ashwagandha may prove to be similarly beneficial because of the Ashwagandha cacao powder and ashwagandha chocolate.

In addition, the therapy resulted in a considerable boost in testosterone levels. The herb-taking group also had higher antioxidant levels in their blood, according to the study.

Men who took ashwagandha for stress had greater antioxidant levels and improved sperm quality, according to another study. Taking Ashwagandha increases testosterone levels in men and improves sperm quality and fertility, with 14 percent of men's partners becoming pregnant after three months.

  • May lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Ashwagandha may assist in improving heart health by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, in addition to its anti-inflammatory properties. Such properties may also be observed in hot chocolate with ashwagandha. It reduced total cholesterol and triglyceride levels by 53 percent and roughly 45 percent in rats, according to one research.

Controlled human investigations have found some notable improvements in these indicators, however, the outcomes have been less striking.

The highest dose of standardised Ashwagandha extract reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol by 17 percent and triglycerides by 11 percent in a 60-day trial of chronically stressed people.

By lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, Ashwagandha may help to lessen the risk of heart disease. It is the same result with Ashwagandha hot chocolate, considering it has Ashwagandha chocolate and Ashwagandha cacao powder which results in a hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits. 

  • May improve brain function, including memory

A test-tube and animal study suggests that ashwagandha may help with memory problems and brain dysfunction.

It enhances antioxidant activity, which protects brain cells from damaging free radicals, according to research. These activities can be replicated by the consumption of ashwagandha chocolate and ashwagandha cacao powder by making Ashwagandha hot chocolate because it is hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits. 

Can hot chocolate relieve stress?

Yes! Of course, it can. Hot chocolate with Ashwagandha by itself should need no selling. But if it is to have a bulleted list of why you must have hot chocolate to rest those weary bones, it’s right here:-

  • Surges you with happy hormones

Several studies show that chocolate or Ashwagandha cacao powder is responsible for activating the pleasure receptors in your brain. Some of the hormones associated with such a reaction are Serotonin and Endorphin. The release and surge of these hormones in your body is a direct response of your brain to stress, anxiety and distress. Their presence in your body helps enable you to uplift your spirits, maintain your well being and be a happy healthy person. And to think that just one cuppa of this magical drink called hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits can do all of this for you? Perfection.

  • Raises energy levels

Hot chocolate with Ashwagandha can not just lift your spirits, but your energy levels too. The hot Ashwagandha chocolate concentrate contains high levels of magnesium, which is responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels in your body along with giving you a boost of energy. 

  • Cure for Sleeplessness 

The warmth in a good cup of Ashwagandha hot chocolate can prove to be a great source of comfort, both psychologically and physically. These combined benefits help put people to sleep after they’ve consumed hot chocolate. Another responsible factor is the high cocoa content and the low sugar content (Ashwagandha chocolate & Ashwagandha cacao powder), provided that the sugar levels are regulated. 

  • Has Meditative Value

The simple activity of sipping Ashwagandha hot chocolate while holding onto a warm mug is a form of meditation in itself. A famous exercise called hot chocolate breathing is about enacting the action of holding a cup full of hot chocolate and smelling it five times. The meditative value of the pretend exercise can only be trumped by the act in the reality of drinking hot chocolate with Ashwagandha benefits.

  • The comforting flavour

The tasty goodness that is a brimming cup of hot chocolate with Ashwagandha is a comfort itself. The best form of therapy is scintillating yourself with foods that excite you. And nothing can be better than a cup of ashwagandha hot chocolate.

All About Ashwagandha Hot Chocolate

Ashwagandha cacao powder is a sort of dark chocolate made with the benefits of the world's most known and best Cacao Nibs, often unsweetened, low in calories, and free of artificial ingredients, and derived from the South Pacific Ocean's islands. It is 100 percent vegan, devoid of contaminants, and gluten-free, making it safe for anybody to consume without risk of adverse reactions or allergies. When coupled with nutritious cacao nibs, which are similarly fibrous and high in protein, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium, ashwagandha cacao powder is high in antioxidants. Ashwagandha Chocolate in a cup It combines the benefits of Ashwagandha with a delectable taste in the form of a health drink rich in beneficial cacao nibs, providing customers with one of the greatest hot beverages available. Also read All about Auric's Ashwagandha hot chocolate.

Auric hot chocolate with ashwagandha

Authored By : Poorvi Chhajer

About Author : Poorvi is a psychology graduate with a knack for writing and belief in ayurveda.

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