Best Foods To Eat Before Bed For Weight Loss

weight loss foods

Is it possible to shed extra pounds while you sleep? What should I eat before sleep? Are there any superfoods to eat before bed? Should I starve myself before bed to get fit? Well, it’s a common belief that if you starve or avoid eating before sleep, you could probably lose some weight. But the truth is, you are just ruining your routine and diet. Sleeping hungry can actually disrupt your weight-loss efforts. Slimming down while you sleep is absolutely possible if you consume the right quantity of the right food.

This article will help you with the list of foods to eat before bed and the benefit you can reap from consuming them.Also read A Guide to Weight Loss: Losing Weight With Weight Loss Ayurvedic Drink

Foods to Eat Before Bed

You must focus on eating food that will keep you feeling full throughout the night and help you avoid morning cravings. Here’s the list of best foods to eat before bed for weight loss;

  • Cherries

    Cherries are a natural and healthy substitute for desserts that you could eat before sleep. The most interesting facts about cherries are that they are rich in melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep. Studies and experiments have revealed that people consuming cherries before going to bed at night enjoy quality sleep and have improved metabolism. So, if you are looking for the best foods to eat before bed for weight loss, try munching over a few cherries after dinner.  

    • Greek Yogurt

      The next food item on the list of best foods to eat before bed for weight loss is Greek Yogurt. It has high protein content and is low in sugar. Make sure to buy Greek yoghurt in its original state and avoid flavoured yoghurt. Studies have found that eating yoghurt right before going to bed helps stimulate protein synthesis, that in turn helps repair and grow muscles. Lean protein helps burn fat. So, a few spoons of Yogurt before sleep can help burn those extra pounds. If you are looking for good foods to eat before sleep, try consuming Yogurt.

      • Peanut Butter with Whole Grain Bread

        There’s no reason why peanut butter shouldn’t be on the list of best foods to eat before bed for weight loss. It is rich in tryptophan, which helps you relax faster if you eat before sleep. Whole-grain bread contains Vitamin B, which helps absorb the tryptophan in peanut butter. Besides being a complete food that keeps you feeling full for a long time, this great food combo can actually help build healthy muscles and monounsaturated fats. So, make sure to add a slice of whole-grain bread and peanut butter to your healthy diet plan.

        • Cottage Cheese

          Besides being one of the best foods to eat before bed for weight loss, cheese yoghurt can also turn out to be the best bedtime snack. It has a high casein protein content that helps keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the night. If you eat before sleep, you would also enjoy a sound sleep owing to the tryptophan present in it. 

          • Protein Shake

            Protein shakes are great foods to eat before bed; they help repair and grow lean muscles. Building lean muscles helps lose unwanted fat. Drinking a healthy protein shake after a heavy workout can also help you recover faster. Try consuming the protein drink before you sleep to enjoy its benefits while you sleep. There are numerous tips on preparing the perfect protein drink; you could choose the one that satisfies your taste buds. Make sure to consult with your dietician before buying ready-made protein powder or drinks. 

            • Turkey

              Ever wondered why you feel sleepy right after a Thanksgiving meal? Tryptophan in the turkey is to be blamed. It allows you to get a good night's sleep while feeling full throughout the night. It helps cut down your morning cravings, thus preventing you from pushing down junk food down your tummy. Hence, if you have turkey prepared at home, make sure to eat it before sleep.

              • Chocolate milk

                Studies and experiments on sportspersons have revealed that people who consumed an extra 1000mg of calcium lost 18 pounds of fat. After a heavy workout session, the athletes who consumed chocolate milk revived quicker and performed 2 times better than the set of athletes who consumed normal sports drinks. So, try drinking a warm cup of chocolate milk before you sleep. Also, make sure that you use natural sweeteners like honey or dates while making chocolate milkshakes. Chocolate milk is one of those good foods to eat before bed. 

                • Bananas

                  Bananas are good foods to eat before bed!  Bananas have tryptophan that helps induce sleep, and the fibre in it keeps you feeling full for a long time. Bananas can help crush off sugar cravings that may rise after dinner. Eat it just as it is or freeze it for 30 minutes and eat it before sleep. 

                  • Almonds

                    Almonds are fat-burning food to eat before sleep if you want help with muscle repair. It is rich in fibre that also keeps you feeling full through the night; this is one of the reasons why it is one of those good foods to eat before bed. Try consuming 6-7 almonds every night before bed for 6 months. You would definitely experience a 62% reduction in weight.

                    Kefir, high fibre cereal and string cheese are good foods to eat before bed. You can also try drinking weight loss juice which is effective and easier to consume. So, now that you are aware of the list of good foods to eat before bed, make sure to prepare a diet plan right away. You just have to eat before sleep and avoid munching over unhealthy snacks at night. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and a strict diet plan with foods to eat before bed can help you achieve the desired weight in no time.


                    Authored By: Divya Shankar

                    About Author: Divya Shankar is a multifaceted content writer with 7+ years of experience. She has exclusive writing expertise in ayurveda.

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