Ayurvedic Psychology and Free Dosha Analysis - Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Vedic science teaches a lot about self-healing and mental health. It includes Yoga, Ayurveda, Vedanta, Jyotish, Vastu, and Sanskrit. The principles of Vedic living helps with psychological issues according to Hindu traditions especially ayurvedic and yoga psychology.
Ayurveda psychology approaches the astounding world of the psyche (mind) being in sync with the age-old cliché — We are all unique in our own distinct ways. Courtesy of its holistic approach, Ayurvedic psychology serves us with a unique way to understand the mind! The entwined combination of nature and nurture duly determine your physical and psychological constitution, your doshas.
Ayurvedic doshas (vatta, pitta, kapha) has certain characteristics and the dominance of one over the other dictates your health, your behaviour, your psychology as per ayurvedic psychology and yoga psychology! For instance, if you have a pitta body type as per Pitta Ayurveda, they get easily agitated and angry. They are unable to handle emotional stress and people with pitta body type want things to be perfect.
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Ayurvedic Psychology and Free Dosha Analysis - Vata, Pitta, Kapha
The wise ancient sages have all regarded Ayurveda as a psychological system as much as it is dawned as a physical system. Thus, Ayurvedic psychology is incomplete without its view of the mind and consciousness. The examination of the mind and psychological diseases in Ayurveda psychology is potential as complex as the examination of the body and physical diseases.
It takes into account the Ayurvedic doshas and the gunas (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas). Traditional Ayurvedic Psychology recognizes the main cause of disease as the Doshic Imbalance. So if you have a pitta body type as per pitta Ayurveda you have certain characteristics and the same goes for the other two doshas too. Ayurveda psychology rests upon the excess of rajas or tamas. To counter this, Ayurveda sheds light on a twofold treatment.
1) Rational Therapy to counter Ayurvedic doshas. (Inducing a lifestyle dominant with appropriate food and ayurvedic herbs)
2) Yoga therapy to counter rajas and tamas as per Yoga psychology. (Turning to asanas, pranayama, mantra, and meditation)
The toxic accumulation of ayurvedic doshas form grounds for emotional/psychological components like Vata as fear, Pitta as anger, and Kapha as an attachment as per Ayurveda psychology. These can be treated by yoga therapy as well as rational therapy like doing Pitta Ayurveda treatment or appropriate dosha balance treatment.
The strongest psychological ramifications are induced by Vata dosha as per Ayurvedic psychology as the mind is also composed mainly of the same air and ether elements as that of vata. As per pitta Ayurveda, they are more tolerant towards imbalances than Vata. Thus vata dosha treatment is important. Stress leads to an imbalanced vata as per vata Ayurveda. Pain, physical and emotional, can quite easily imbalance Vata dosha thus, paving way for a strong component of anti-vata considerations. Yet the other two ayurvedic doshas have their own key psychological components and considerations as well. The most prevalent and feared mental disease, depression, is the root cause of imbalanced vata dosha as per vata Ayurveda. Hence vata dosha treatment becomes imperative in such cases.
The three gunas as per vata and pitta Ayurveda are not alien to psychological factors. Rajas have ego-driven impulses and tamas has deeper emotional blockages, insensitivity or addictions. The excess mounting of these gunas makes the ayurvedic doshas nearly impossible to deal with as they may create attitudes that completely neglect the treatment even on the level of diet & herbs. So based on the predominant dosha, Pitta Ayurveda or the other two doshas treatment should be practised.
Thus, Ayurveda is a firm believer in cross-referencing and parallel treatment of ayurvedic doshas & gunas. For instance, the presence of some degree of tamas, which often translates as trauma, pain or debility, is inevitable in deep-seated doshic imbalances and consequently, parallel treatment of ayurvedic doshas & gunas form a good foundation to approach Ayurvedic Psychology. Ayurvedic practice recognizes the psychology of ayurvedic doshas & guna. In this schema, the mind plays the protagonist while the body is just a supporting actor where the imbalances get lodged
SFFERING: Physical & psychological
Psychological conditions like depression are almost epidemic today. A drug-based medication approach is used to treat these conditions, though such powerful drugs take credit for resolving problems they are problem-inducing and come with various side effects. The problem with these drugs is that they may only suppress vata dosha and not correct it. Here, Ayurveda is a great alternative that is vouched by experts like David Frawley. Ayurveda be it Vata, Kapha or Pitta Ayurveda is a mind-body medicine. Embracing Ayurvedic Psychology and yoga Psychology empowers you to handle emotional issues and not just treat them on a physical level. Of course, the treatment rides on the two apt shoulders — Herbs which are part of the Vata, Kapha and Pitta Ayurveda & Yoga.
Models of the Mind
Ayurveda Psychology which includes Vata, Kapha and Pitta Ayurveda usually employs the Samkhya-Vedanta model of the mind.
1) Chitta – Conditioned consciousness
2) Buddhi – Intelligent judgment
3) Manas – Mind, the capacity of imagination
4) Ahamkara – Ego
Chitta is the generic field of mental disturbances (vrittis & kleshas) that need to be calmed or removed. As per ayurvedic psychology, buddhi is the intelligence we must develop in order to remove disturbances and gain peace of mind. Manas is the sensory activity that keeps these disturbances in motion and thus, needs to be controlled. Ahamkara is the ego that must be let go off!
Ayurvedic Psychology and yoga Psychology focuses on calming the Chitta, developing the buddhi, controlling the manas, and reducing ahamkara. Ayurveda psychology does not isolate the mind from the body but induces a path to use the body, prana & senses to treat mind and psychology. Thus whether you are taking vata dosha treatment or have a pitta body type as per pitta Ayurveda, mind and body should be treated in conjunction.
Yoga Psychology
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Bhagavad Gita describe yoga as a means of working on the mind or calming the Chitta, which is the basis for removing suffering. The Ayurvedic and yoga therapy of increasing sattva guna is mainly a yoga therapy. Yoga Acharyas have addressed the psychological application of Yoga and created a new psychological model of Yoga. Yoga psychology requires Ayurvedic psychology to flourish and develop and the same holds true for Ayurvedic Psychology as well!
Mind & Prana
Ayurveda and yoga therapy treat mind and prana as two sides of the same coin. The mind is the power of knowledge (gyana-shakti) and Prana is the power of action (prana-shakti). We cannot treat the mind without treating prana. This requires yogic practices of pranayama & pratyahara. And we cannot treat prana without looking after the ayurvedic doshas imbalances of vatta, pitta & kapha. This includes correcting your diet according to the ayurvedic psychology and yoga psychology guidelines and consumption of helpful herbs having miraculous properties. So if you have Pitta dosha follow Pitta Ayurveda or the appropriate dosha type.
Ayurvedic Psychology & Herbs
Manas Vikruti in Ayurvedic psychology is attributable to various factors including a diet that induces more vikruti, an increase in incompatible food consumption, stress, trauma, the fast pace of life and poor lifestyle habits. Manas vikruti may be balanced through eating a balanced diet, meditation, following a daily routine to balance your doshas and consumption of ayurvedic herbs. The herbal remedies that Ayurveda has on offer can be used to calm Chitta. Some herbs traditionally used for the mind are Brahmi (nourishes neurological system), Shankhapushpi (regulates the production of stress hormones), Gotu Kola (Energises central nervous system), Bringraj (controls blood pressure), Bacopa (prevents anxiety & stress).
Now that the Manas is treated using vata dosha treatment or another ayurvedic dosha treatment the body needs to be taken care of. Vata Ayurveda uses many types of herbs as Vata dosha treatment when it is predominant in a person. Also, as per Vata Ayurveda, these people should not exert themselves for them to remain healthy.
Drawing inspiration from the twofold ayurvedic treatment (yoga and herbs), AURIC brings to you the goodness of herbs wrapped in a bottle. Whether you are taking vata dosha treatment or have a pitta body type, The underlying aim of AURIC is to inspire you to embrace Ayurveda psychology, embrace Yoga psychology, embrace Herbs!
Auric has got you covered with the goodness of herbs. The other fold, Yoga psychology, well.we believe you will embrace it if you haven’t already!
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