Giloy Immunity All You Need to Know About Giloy Immunity Booster

There was a time when herb Giloy lived a humble and highly respected life in some Indian homes where prevention and tradition were life's mantra. Desi boomers and the generation before them for centuries used clean stems of Giloy in traditional medicine to boost their immune system. Back in the day, they had it ground along with water, filtered through a sieve (soft muslin before the stainless steel sieve came into existence), and voila, a shot of Giloy was ready! Giloy juice or kadha can be consumed with tulsi and ashwagandha too.
My mum did this every morning empty stomach, especially for a few months last year (thank you, Corona, you won - temporarily, though). For trivial issues that my mum has, giloy kadha prepared with a pinch of fresh black pepper is her go-to instead of her beloved daughter. I won't take this one personally because Giloy became my go-to as well. I always wanted an elder sister I could look up to for support, finally found her in Giloy. Let's find out why.

Root of Immortality
Giloy's scientific name or Latin name is Tinospora Cordifolia. We know you will never take this name unless you are a scientist, but knowledge is power, right?. Found almost everywhere in India. If you have a green thumb, it is pretty easy to grow at home because of its ability to develop quickly. It is also known as "Guduchi" in Hindi. From the benefits, it is the Gucci of ayurvedic herbs (for quality, not price) and has a bitter taste just like truth.
Other Sanskrit and ayurvedic names of Giloy immunity booster are "amrita", "amritavalli", and a highly regarded herb in the Charak Samhita. Stems have the highest nutritional content as they are anti-inflammatory & antipyretic; some people juice the roots and leaves to boost immunity. It helps balance out your body doshas (Vata, Kapha, and Pitta) and function at your optimum level.
Benefits of Giloy Immunity Booster
Giloy immunity booster is a potent immunity enhancer and has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antipyretic properties. Antipyretic essentially means one which reduces fever. This little gem out there is the answer to good health and one of the 10 foods that can boost your immunity. Have Giloy juice for immunity, giloy benefits for skin, and giloy benefits for hair. Let's find out how.
Dengue Fever
Consumption of Giloy immunity booster juice whilst battling dengue fever provides immense support to your immunity, hence it is common to have Giloy juice for immunity. It keeps your fever in check and does not allow the platelet count to drop to dangerous levels. I know this works because my mum had dengue (as Mumbai is always under construction and a breeding ground for mosquitoes) in October 2018. Her body managed the illness without being admitted to the hospital. Yes, she did fall sick, but she found immense support in this herbal juice under her physician's guidance. Giloy is an antipyretic herb and one of the giloy kadha benefits of giloy immunity booster is that it helps build the immune system, strengthening the immune response to fight against infections, therefore the widespread use of Giloy juice for immunity.
For Hay Fever
Hay fever is also known as allergic rhinitis, which comes with its host of symptoms such as nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal itching, obstruction, and watery eyes. As per Ayurveda, hay fever results from toxic remains, also known as ama, in the human body due to lack of proper digestion. Giloy kadha benefits helps alleviate these symptoms and balances out the Kapha (water and earth element) within your body because of its Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties. It is common to consume giloy juice for immunity.
For Diabetes
Benefits of giloy are such that it is widely used in traditional folk medicine to regulate blood glucose levels across India. Alkaloids found in Giloy immunity booster stems reduce blood sugar levels naturally. Benefits of giloy include that it may help prevent diabetes incorporated with a healthy lifestyle if you are someone with a diabetic lineage. It also supports managing various diabetic complications such as ulcers, kidney damage, wounds due to its anti-inflammatory properties. When undergoing diabetes, control your diabetes with these food along with consuming giloy juice for immunity.
For Digestion
Giloy immunity booster helps build a robust digestive system and strengthens against acidity, indigestion, flatulence, bloating, diarrhoea because of its pachan (digestive) properties. A strong gastric system keeps the elements of the body in harmony leading to an illness-free life. Giloy immunity booster is suitable for your gut, which is one of the great benefits of giloy.
For Liver Diseases
Liver diseases are a result of injury due to alcohol overdose over an extended period. Giloy immunity booster helps manage the damage, improve metabolism and liver function due to its digestive properties. Giloy juice for immunity is also used. It helps rejuvenate and inhibit degeneracy due to its Rasayana quality. It reduces damage by free radicals acting as an antioxidant.
Other Giloy Tulsi Juice Benefits
Research studies published in India showcase the giloy kadha benefits of Giloy immunity booster in managing rheumatoid arthritis, gout and cancer because of its potent anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties. One may reap giloy kadha benefits of giloy immunity booster to prevent such diseases and consume giloy juice for immunity.
Giloy kadha benefits are that it is effective for digestion, hay fever and dengue fever and overall health support for your body. However, there is a lack of proper evidence in using giloy as a treatment line for cancer, arthritis, gout etc.
No significant side effects of this herb have been reported yet. Despite the giloy kadha benefits, do not consume Giloy immunity booster if you are on an anti-diabetic allopathic treatment, as it may drop blood sugar to undesirable levels. Please check with your physician always for contradictions in case of diabetes and autoimmune disorders.
How to Consume Giloy Immunity Booster?
Giloy juice for immunity is the best as it is available in its closest natural form. There are giloy powder and capsule options available out there; depending on your consumption preference and requirement, you may choose one, though we recommend giloy kadha benefits. You may also prepare Giloy juice for immunity at home if you have the patience to find it or grow it, grind it, sieve it, and the courage to swallow the bitterness for the benefits of giloy.
My maternal side swears by prevention and tradition, and my paternal side swears by living a good life. A healthy debate about a shot of Giloy immunity booster helps your immune system, or a shot of rum is always on the table. In times of calamity and suffering, we understand the true essence and character of a human. Giloy juice for immunity even though not human, did just that. My outlook is slightly modern; if you can have fun with someone every day, that defines character and essence. I have found balance and a sweet spot between my genetic makeup; as long as it has taste and nutrition in day to day life, I will have it. Giloy proved its worth and made its space in our lives, like every woman out there who supports, evolves, and enhances every life she touches. What's typically more interesting about Giloy immunity booster is that its leaves are heart-shaped and its fruits red.
Boost your Immunity with our fighter: Auric Body Defence as it contains the goodness that is imperative to help you lead a better and healthier life.
Authored by: Padmaja Rai
About the Author: Padmaja is a healthcare consultant and avid fitness enthusiast. She holds a masters' in bio-innovation and rare diseases from University of Pennsylvania. She is a firm believer in ancient Indian holistic healing.
Oh nicely you have described giloy as I have only heard about this herb before but now I am capable enough to give knowledge to someone about giloy. This magical herb is also beneficial as immunity booster juice because during this period everyone needs to take care of their immunity system, and the juices are the best way to take these types of herbs easily.
Thanks for sharing this magical information.
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