Ayurvedic connection between Healthy Body and Healthy Urine
Your urine can reveal a great deal about your health and your lifestyle choices. In simple terms, when blood flows through the kidneys, it filters out excess waste and water, which produces urine.
Whether you accept it or not, we all notice the smell and color of our urine. Experts say that our urine can provide various insights into our health, including our hydration levels.
By regularly paying attention to our bladder and its health, we can differentiate healthy urine from unhealthy one and prevent potential renal problems like urine infection symptom and treatment irrespective of the causes for urine infection. Healthy body has a healthy urine.
Apart from the appearance of your urine, you can also get a urinalysis that provides other clues to your well-being and also causes for urine infection, like the presence of bacteria, drugs, glucose, and blood cells that can help differentiate between healthy urine and a healthy body from a body that might be harboring an ailment like urine infection symptom and get treatment.
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What the color of your urine reveals about your health?
The urine that is produced is an indicator of of health. A healthy Body and healthy urine are in sync. Normal urine ranges from amber to pale yellow, anything other than that reveals a lot about your health and also the underlying causes for urine infection.
A Orange color urine could signify that you are not drinking enough water. An orange tint in your urine could also indicate a liver or bile condition and can also be among the causes for urine infection. Sometimes overconsumption of beta carotene in vegetables like carrots could also be a possible reason for your urine to turn orange. It can also be an indicator of urinary tract problems and infections. It is also an urine infection symptom and treatment is readily available for this.
Most people think that healthy urine is colorless. That, however, is a big misconception and could signify that you are drinking too much water. In such a case, consider cutting back on your water intake as you could risk diluting the essential body salts in your body and reduce the risk of urinary tract problems and infections. Colorless urine may also be an urine infection symptom and treatment may be necessary as it can be among the causes for urine infection.
Pink or Reddish
Seeing pink or reddish urine can be frightening and you may think you have urinary tract problems and infections, but it doesn’t always signify a serious condition. If you have had too many foods like berries and beets the previous day, the chances are that you might get a pink tint in your urine. If not, this could be a sign of early kidney disease, urinary tract problems and infections, prostate issues, or kidney stones, and you should immediately contact your healthcare provider. For this urine infection symptom swift treatment is available irrespective of the causes for urine infection.
Green or Blue
Seeing green or blue-colored urine is rare but can be caused by various factors like eating food with artificial coloring, consuming certain medications, a cause for urinary tract infection, etc. If you continue to urinate like this, then you must consult your doctor immediately as it may be some urinary tract problems and infections; they will help you treat the underlying cause for this kind of discoloration. It can likely be urine infection symptom and treatment provides cure.
Seeing brown hues in your urine is a direct sign of dehydration and can become a cause for urine infection. It could also be a sign of renal or liver issues. If you continue getting brown hues in your urine despite hydration, it could point to some serious urinary tract problems and infections or even a tumor, and you should consult with a professional immediately. Be it tumor or urine infection symptom, treatment can resolve the issues.
Pale and Transparent Yellow Color
Healthy urine is pale and transparent yellow, which signifies that you are a healthy and well-hydrated individual and you have no urinary tract problems and infections.
Ayurvedic approach to healthy body and healthy urine
Ayurveda dictates that the end product of our body’s metabolism is mala or bodily wastes such as stool, urine, and perspiration. As per this ancient science, healthy body and healthy urine go hand in hand and any change in it indicates urinary tract problems and infections. Our society shies away from talking about such topics. Still, we do not realize that the accumulation of mala gives rise to toxins in the body and can result in various health imbalances and urinary tract problems and infections. Ayurveda has cure for urine infection symptom and treatment is effective despite the causes for urine infection.
Healthy urine in Ayurveda is defined as mutra. A healthy person passes urine around 4 to 6 times a day. And if we suppress our natural desire to pass urine, it could result in infection of the urinary tract, urethra, and bladder and become causes for urine infection. It can also cause urinary tract problems and infections. Hence to have a healthy body and healthy urine pass urine when you have the desire and do not weight until the last moment. Also, ayurvedic approach to urine infection symptom and treatment has no side-effects.
Ayurvedic ideology focuses on disease prevention to maintain the good health of our urinary system and have a healthy body and healthy urine. Early detection of bodily imbalances such as excessive urine production or too little urine production is also important to keep our kidney, bladder, and urinary health intact. It also helps to prevent any urinary tract problems and infections. Even if there is urine infection symptom, effective treatment is available in Ayurveda.
Read on to find what you can do if you face urinary tract problems, symtoms and infections and what solutions and treatment the age-old principles of Ayurveda have for you.
Ayurvedic Management of Urinary problems for a Healthy Body and Healthy Urine
A healthy urinary system is essential for our overall health and well-being. When the urinary tract does not function properly there is no question of having a healthy body and healthy urine, we cannot pass healthy urine and face unpleasant urinary tract problems and infections and imbalances. Here are some common urinary problems one might face and the urinary tract infection treatment for symtoms, the Ayurvedic way -
Blood in Urine or Haematuria
Haematuria is defined as the presence of blood in the urine and is a urine infection symptom and treatment depends on the cause. According to Ayurveda, it is a form of Adhoga Raktapitta and can be caused by the presence of an infection or stones in the genito-urinary passage. Ayurveda accelerates the body’s natural healing process and prescribes the following urinary tract infection, UTI treatment steps to be taken to cure Haematuria and get the body back to expelling healthy urine -
- Drinking plenty of water to eliminate toxins from kidneys.
- Reducing one’s salt intake to control increased levels of blood pressure.
- Incorporating natural herbs like Punarnava and Gokshura in your diet.
- Avoid smoking and engaging in daily exercise and meditation
Painful and Burning Urination
Painful and burning sensation experienced while urinating is a sign of disturbed Pitta dosha and can be due to urinary tract problems and infections. In fact it is one of the common urine infection symptom and treatment is simple. It can also be caused by an underlying urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or by not maintaining proper intimate hygiene. A great ayurvedic urinary tract infection, UTI treatment to heal this condition is to consume white radish juice on an empty stomach every morning. It supports digestion and improves the body’s ability to fight infections. To get relief from the burning sensation, add curd and buttermilk to your diet as your urinary tract infection, UTI treatment. They help keep the body cool and are full of probiotics that prevent unnecessary diseases and infections.
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections or UTIs cause discomfort in the urinary tract and disrupt the body’s natural mechanism to expel healthy urine. In general, women tend to get a urinary tract infection more often than men as the length of their urethra is shorter, which gives unhealthy bacteria an easy chance to spread in the body and cause infection. To naturally provide urine infection symptom and treatment, one must incorporate ayurvedic herbs like Tinospora, Ashwagandha, and Gokshura in their diet. UTI’s are generally caused because of an aggravated Vata dosha and urinary tract infection, UTI treatment get alleviated by the help of consuming diuretics that calm Vata imbalances and stimulate the flow of healthy urine.
Tips to keep your Bladder Healthy
We use our bladder countless times a day but not once do we appreciate what this organ does for our body. The only time we remember is when there is a urine infection symptom and treatment is needed. Keeping your bladder healthy might seem like a lofty task, but it is not. With the guidance of the age-old systems of Ayurveda, urinary tract infection, UTI treatment and some basic lifestyle changes, anyone can protect their bladder and keep it healthy. Here are some tips you must consider to keep your renal health in check-
Drink plenty of fluids - Aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to flush out bodily toxins and is also a great way to get rid of urine infection symptoms and is a popular treatment option.
Limit smoking and alcohol consumption - Alcohol and tobacco are addictive substances that affect your bladder and damage overall health. Limiting alcohol and smoking is also recommended as urinary tract infection, UTI treatment.
Try to urinate every three to four hours- Holding your pee for long durations can weaken bladder muscles and disrupt the flow of healthy urine. Even if you are having a urine infection symptom and treatment is to drink lots of fluids as part of urinary tract infection UTI, treatment, and pee often.
Limit exposure to heat and sun - Excessive sweating and dampness can cause urinary infections. So another urinary tract infection UTI, treatment is to limit exposure to sun and heat.
Try Panchakarma for Urinary disorders - Panchakarma is a holistic ayurvedic urinary tract infection, UTI treatment that purifies the body by eliminating bodily toxins. It also treats Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha imbalances and detoxifies the body of all kinds of diseases.
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