Corporate Wellness Importance of Mental Health at Work

Corporate Wellness Importance of Mental Health at Work

For several decades, physical health has taken an upper stage over mental health. There’s a provision of health insurance at work, however, what about your mental health? Burdensome work pressure, stress and long working hours can bring down any employee’s mental hygiene.

These days people prefer to use healthy and natural ayurvedic foods as they help one feel good and stay happy. The consumption of the right kind of food and drinks in your diet may help lighten up your food when compared to more fatty formulas. 

Mental Health

What is Workplace Depression?

There are a variety of reasons for people to feel depressed. A high count of adults experiences depression at their respective jobs. While the job itself may not be the primary cause of it, the environment may aggravate depression for people who already suffer from it.

Long work hours, stressful work pressure, being unacknowledged, and the like, also factor in depression. This, in turn, results in a depressive workplace regime, which reflects poorly on the employer as well as the company. 

Ayurveda suggests that there are 3 types of depression; Vata(air and space), Pitta(fire and water) and Kapha(water and earth). An imbalance in any of these dynamics may lead to workplace depression or depression in general. 

Workplace depression can adversely affect Focus and decision making, time management, attendance, social interactions, communication, productivity, overall performance. 

Why is Mental Health Awareness important?

Mental Health Awareness is a practice to destigmatize the negative connotations surrounding the very meaning for depression and mental illness. It is important to understand the effects, causes and cure of this diagnosis and accept that it is as relevant as any other illness.

This can only be possible if education regarding depression is spread in the community, right from the beginning. In fact, t
alking about mental health can encourage those having derailing thoughts and dealing with severe mental illness to reach out to others for help.

Hence, to avoid such problems, here are some secrets that are going to help your mental health at work:-

1. Communication

Speaking with your co-workers or employer can marginally help if you are facing issues at work. TV  host, Fred Rogers once said, “When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.”  Open up about your issues, and together find a solution for it. 

Addressing employee mental health issues in the workplace. 

2. Take A Break

Taking a break can never go wrong! In fact, a 2011 survey done by the University of Illinois indicates that taking a break from working or studying helps improve your focus. Short intervals of rest, in-between workdays are a great step towards easing your mental health. Talk to one of your co-workers, or visit a nearby cafe for a brewing cup of hot coffee, go with what your vibe is!

3. Socialise

Socialising is all about having a healthy group of friends or acquaintances who you can meet and relax with.  Even a friend at work can be a stress buster! Socialising at and outside work is crucial as it brings about a sense of belonging and camaraderie. The phrase “teamwork makes the dream work” is one great advantage of socialising.

Depression at work can be significantly avoided by the presence of sources to vent out any confusing emotions.

4. Regulated Sleep Cycle

Sleep Cycle

Sleep deprivation may lead to several conditions in adults, ranging from depression, obesity, diabetes to impacting the immunity. Having a healthy sleep schedule, largely boosts your health and aids your work life.

According to the Ayurvedic text,
Charaka Samhita, ‘happiness, nourishment, strength, virility, knowledge, and life itself depend on proper sleep’. However, over-sleeping is highly suggested as it might lead to several problems of their own. 

A medial 7-8 hours of sleep everyday will keep your mood optimistic and prevent any depressive sentiments from entering your personna. 

5. Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet

For thousands of years, the Ayurvedic diet has been active and operational. 

When we eat real food that nourishes us, it becomes the protein-building blocks, enzymes, brain tissue, and neurotransmitters, responsible for transmitting information between parts of the brain and body. 

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A diet, which is high in saturated fats and refined sugars, can have a negative impact on brain proteins. Foods with beneficial bacteria (probiotics) help maintain a healthy gut environment, or ‘biome’. A healthier microbiome is going to decrease inflammation, which affects your mood and cognition. A high-fat or high-sugar diet is bad for gut health and, therefore, your brain. 

A holistic Ayurvedic diet involves five elements teja (fire), akash (space), vayu (air), jala (water) and prithvi (earth). Fibres, fruits, vegetables and sufficient water intake is highly recommended.

Ayurvedic Meal

1. Short-Term Goals to Success


Setting achievable goals is a great way to embrace optimism. Commencing with small tasks, that are easy to achieve, provides you with a sense of accomplishment when you complete them.

This assists in furthering your growth and progress at work, making you feel competent in light of competition or under-appreciation, some important causes that cause Work Depression.

2. Work Out


Keeping a constant check over your mind and body is important to counter the negatives of depression. Doing yoga or working out helps boost endorphins, or commonly known as “feel‐good” chemicals, in the brain. Physical exercise can prevent melancholy sentiments, ward off depression, and improve self-esteem. 

As per Ayurveda, physically active people have a reduced risk of becoming depressed. The regular healing and exercise of the body, helps in the exercise of the mind, which counter-actively opens up.

Relax On Off-Days


Don’t try to overdo things. Working on off-days may result in over-compensation, causing your brain to act unnaturally. 

Allow your brain to rejuvenate and revive after hectic workdays. Everyone has different ways to relax. Practising Yoga or Meditation, basking in an oil massage, growing vibrant plants and taking care of your body are some ideal relaxation ideas, according to The Auric.  

What are the 4 types of depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that leads to constant sadness or loss of interest in life. People experience melancholia at times, but when this feeling intensifies, it turns into depression. There are 4 types of depression. 

Situational Depression

Situational depression is a short-term stress kind of depression that can develop after you experience a traumatic event or violent series of events. Situational depression is a type of adjustment disorder.

It can make it hard for you to adjust to your everyday life following a traumatic event. It’s also known as reactive depression. For example, sexual misconduct by a colleague or failure of success at work. 

Some common symptoms include hopelessness, regular crying, sleeping difficulties, trouble focusing, and thoughts or attempts at suicide. 

Atypical Depression

Atypical depression inculcates several aligned symptoms, encompassing an increased appetite or weight gain, lethargy or excessive sleep, marked fatigue or weakness, moods that are strongly reactive to environmental circumstances, and feeling extremely sensitive to rejection.

It’s a very rare type of depression, but if it occurs, it is most common among the younger generations. Hence, the younger people subjected to intensive work regimes may be easy victims to such a diagnosis.

Clinical Depression

Clinical Depression

Clinical depression denotes a constant sense of hopelessness and despair. Symptoms might include - insomnia, the regular feeling of guilt, indecisiveness, restlessness and marginal weight loss or gain. 

Existential Depression

Surviving thoughts like, “What is the point of my life?” or “Why do people suffer?”, and similar are doubts or feelings posed commonly by the presence of existential dread. Existential angst can engulf you with an emotion of despair for the world and your future. Without answers, one might start to feel hopeless, unmotivated and the result is regular bouts of crying. This is known as Existential Depression. 

The suffering of existential depression commences after experiencing trauma, for instance,  embarrassment at work, losing a job or some other life-altering event. 

However, one of the most common Ayurveda recommended coping mechanisms applied here is believing in yourself and communicating with people. 

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Mind Rejuvenation

Hence, with this, one can understand the relevance of mental health and its deterioration when it comes to depression at work. Treating it is not an easy task but experts at The Auric can help you reach your goal positivity levels. Following the recommended steps may prevent any negative sentimentality in work environments. 


1. What is mental health?

Ayurveda devotes a  holistic approach to mental health that brings together the mind,  body and soul. Ayurvedic study of mental health is based on a combination of the three gunas, tridosha, and panchabhuta, The combination of these doshas and three gunas inherited at birth indicates an individual's called Prakriti.

The dynamic balance of these above elements creates good mental health.

2. Can you prevent mental health problems?

There is no particular route to prevent mental health problems yet. However, by keeping in check, and taking necessary steps to control stress through physical activities and boosting self-esteem, you can attempt to maintain your mental health.

3. What causes mental health problems?

The exact cause of most mental illnesses is unknown, however recent studies show that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.  

4. How do I know if I have a mental illness?

Each illness has its own symptoms, but the most common symptoms include- stress, sadness and confusion.

5. Are there cures for mental health problems?

There's no cure for mental illness, but there are lots of effective treatments. People with mental illnesses can recover and live long and healthy lives if treated aptly.

​​Authored By: Ankita Agarwal
About Author: Ankita Agarwal is a Health & Wellness Coach from Siliguri, India

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